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November 7, 2016

Growth Mindset Day in Key Stage One

On Friday 4th November, Classes One & Two had a great day using Growth Mindsets to complete a range of different activities. The children were split into four different mixed age groups to work together to overcome a variety of different challenges. Challenge 1 We discussed what a patchwork quilt was and why they are treasured...
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Letter from Easingwold School to All Parents/Carers

We have been asked to distribute the attached letter to all parents/carers, even though it is primarily aimed at parents/carers with children in Year 6. The second document is an invite to a meeting at our School; parents and their children from any year group are welcome, although the evening is likely to be of...
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Pirate Day Class 2 Tomorrow – Old Newspapers Required

We would be grateful for any donations of old newspapers for our Pirate Day in Class 2 tomorrow. Many thanks
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