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Welcome Back – New Academic Year 2019/20

The staff at Crayke Church of England Primary School would like to extend a warm welcome to children, parents/carers and members of the local school community for the new academic year. We trust that you have all had a very happy and restful summer break, and that you are ready to embrace the new school...
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Autumn Term Menu 2019

Please see attached a copy of the menu for the autumn term: FM-0719-A001_NYES School Menus Autumn 2019 Single
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Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Key Stage Two productions of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits.  Lots of people have commented on the children’s exceptional voices, acting ability and dancing – I am sure you will agree that they did an amazing job! Special thanks also to all the children and...
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Class 4 film: Thursday 18th July

As a reward for a successful year and an end of term treat, tomorrow (18th July) the children in Class 4 would like to watch ‘Beauty and the Beast (2017)’. As it is a certificate PG for ‘action violence, peril and frightening images’ please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate...
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Class 3 Film: Thursday 18th July

As a reward for a successful year and an end of term treat, tomorrow (18th July) the children in Class 3 would like to watch ‘The Greatest Showman’. As it is a certificate PG for ‘thematic elements including a brawl’ please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate as soon as...
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Summer Production of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

The children in Key Stage Two (and staff) are working really hard towards their production of “Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours. The dress rehearsal took place yesterday. The first performance is on Tuesday 16th July at 1.30pm, with the evening performance starting at 6.00pm on Wednesday 17th...
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KS2 Performance Tuesday 16th July: Earlier Start Time

Just a reminder that the KS2 Performance tomorrow afternoon will start at the earlier than usual time of 1.30pm prompt, as it has nearly one and a half hours running time.
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Classes One & Two – Reading books over the summer

A trial subscription for ‘Collins Big Cat’ reading scheme has been set up, in order for children in reception and Key Stage 1 to have access to the full range of Collins reading books over the summer holidays and into the next academic year. To access the on-screen books, please follow the link and...
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Class 1: Request for Snails!

Dear Parents/Carers We are hoping to do Snail Racing with the children next Monday and should be grateful if you could bring in some snails if you have some in your garden. Many thanks Mrs Helferrich
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Dinner Money Refunds Summer Term 2

In readiness for the end of this academic year, any dinner money refunds have been processed today for Summer Term 2 up to today’s date.
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