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Dinner Money Summer Term – first half

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4.  The total amount due is £45.00, which is for 4 weeks  less 1 training day and 1 day for May Day. All dinner money should be paid through ParentPay and the above payment items are already on your...
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Yorkshire Three Peaks – we did it (just)

I would like to say thank you to all those who have generously sponsored us. Over £500 has now been raised; the final total will be split between CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association) and purchasing a defibrillator for Crayke Sports Club & Village Hall. Without a shadow of a doubt, the Yorkshire Three Peaks...
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Yorkshire Three Peaks – Fundraising Walk Update

Thank you to all those of you who have donated; currently £400 has been raised.  This will be split between CHASA (Crayke Home And School Association) and purchasing a defibrillator for Crayke Sports Club & Village Hall. If you would like to make a donation please follow this link: Your support will be greatly...
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No Music Lessons Friday 12th April

Just to make you aware that due to Easter activities taking place in school tomorrow afternoon, there will be no music lessons.
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Summer Term Menu 2019

Please see attached the menu for the Summer Term. FM-0419-A001_Summer term school menus Primary single
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Lost Property

As you can see from the photograph there is currently a large amount of lost property in school. Prior to the children attempting to identify their belongings, I would like to offer parents/carers the opportunity to look at the collection of items, before the start of school this morning.  I will be in the playground...
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Crayke’s Spectacular Spelling Bee

I would like to congratulate children from Years 1 – 6, who have all been working hard to learn words for our first ever Spelling Bee.  It was wonderful to hear children practising their spellings this morning – even at Run a Mile! After a busy morning of spelling activities in each of our classes,...
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Reminder: Cluster East Barnby Meeting Thursday 11th April (Year 6)

Just a reminder that the rescheduled East Barnby meeting will take place in the School Hall this Thursday 11th April at 5pm.  
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Guitar Lessons CANCELLED today

We have been informed by NYCC Music Service that the Guitar teachers car has broken down, therefore he will not be in school this afternoon to teacher guitar lessons.  The lessons will be made up next term.
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Reminder: Water Bottles

Just a reminder that all children should bring a water bottle to school each day.  These should be plastic, metal or similar but no glass water bottles or containers should be brought into school.
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