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East Barnby 2018 – day 3 update

As you will see in the picture below we enjoyed some better weather yesterday. The photo shows children in activity groups 3 & 4, at Scugdale, where they became expert climbers! All the work the children have done on Growth Mindsets and resilience was truly on show. At this time it is not possible to...
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East Barnby 2018 – Update

Just a quick update – the children slept well last night and are looking forward to today’s activities. Please see below for a picture of yesterday’s bodyboarding; and yes it was as cold as it looks…
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KS1 Swimming Lessons start this Thursday 7th June

Just a reminder that children in Class 1 and Class 2 start their 6 week course of swimming lessons from this Thursday 7th June.  All the details are included in the attached letter which was distributed in the children’s book bags before half-term.  If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent...
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East Barnby 2018

Our Year 6’s have arrived at East Barnby; their beds are made (a challenging task for some) and everyone is looking forward to their afternoon activities.  The weather is a little dull – lets hope for some improvements over the week…
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YEAR 5 Carlton Lodge RESIDENTIAL (Wednesday 6th – FRIDAY 8TH JUNE 2018)

Here are just a few reminders in advance of Year 5’s residential next week: Children will attend school on the Wednesday morning and have lunch.  Parents are then requested to collect them from school between 12.45 – 1.00pm; so that they can then go home and change and then be dropped off at Carlton Lodge...
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Year 6 East Barnby Residential (Monday 4th – Friday 8th June 2018)

Here are just a few reminders in advance of next week: We will be leaving school on Monday 4th June at 8.20am promptly and should be back on Friday 8th June at approximately 4.00pm.  Please be at school to collect your child by 4.00pm.  Attached is a Kit List – the day time activities will...
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Scafell Pike – we did it!

I would like to say thank you to all those who generously sponsored us. £290 has now been raised – the final total will go directly to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association).  Please remember that donations can still be made at: Our challenge took us to the summit of the highest mountain in England,...
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Dinner Money Summer Term 2

Dinner money for the summer term – second half – will be due week commencing 4th June for children in Class 3 and Class 4. Class 3 – Years 3 and 4 The total amount due is £71.40, which is for 7 weeks, less 1 day for the whole school trip on 26th June Class...
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Introducing our Salad Bar

Please see the attached letter about our salad bar: Introducing our Salad Bar
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Year 6 East Barnby Residential – 4th–8th June

The Year 6 residential week at East Barnby is fast approaching and I’m sure everyone will be looking forward to it.  Here are just a few reminders – We will be leaving school on Monday, 4th June at 8.20 a.m. promptly and should be back on Friday, 8th June at approximately 4.00 p.m.  Please will...
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