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Class 4 Spring Newsletter

Please note that there was a typing error on the parents evening date in Class 4’s Spring newsletter.  This has now been rectified and the correct date is now included in the Newsletter on the website.
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Head Lice

Just to let you know that there are a number of cases of head lice in school.  Please could all parents check their children and if necessary, take remedial action with the whole family. Remember once a week, take a peek. Click here to open the NHS website with information regarding how to treat head...
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Class 2 Art & DT: Lighthouses & 3D Islands

Class 2 will be making their own 3D islands, complete with lighthouses this term.  Part of the lighthouse lantern will be constructed from various bottle tops. On 18th January, please can children bring in: 2 milk bottle tops (or similar sized caps to fit on the end of a kitchen roll sized tube.) 1 other...
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Lunch Menu Spring Term 2018

Please find attached a copy of the lunch menu for the Spring Term 2018.  Please note that Mrs Yates has made two changes to this menu. On a Monday of Week 2 Quorn & Vegetable Fajita has been replaced with Cheese Catherine Wheel On Monday of Week 3 Margarita Pizza has been replaced with Tuna...
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Dinner Money Spring Term – First Half

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4.  The total amount due is £48.30, which is for 4 weeks and 4 days, less 1 day for each class trip (Class 3 12th January and Class 4 15th January).   If your child is involved in the Young...
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Achievement Assemblies Spring Term 2018

Here are the dates for this terms Achievement Assemblies. Friday 2nd March – Class 4 Friday 9th March  – Class 1 Friday 16th March  – Class 2 Friday 23rd March – Class 3
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Reminders: Class 3 Trip 12th January and Class 4 Trip 15th January

Just a reminder that children in Class 3 will be visiting the York Chocolate Story this Friday 12th January and Class 4 will be visiting York Minster on Monday 15th January. Letters were distributed before the Christmas holidays, but if you need another copy, please contact Mrs Bacon in the office.  Consent forms should be...
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Lost Property

As you can see from the photograph there is currently a large amount of lost property in school.  Prior to the children attempting to identify their belongings, I would like to offer parents/carers the opportunity to look at the collection of items, before the start of school this morning.  I will be in the playground...
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Class 4 Film – Wednesday 20th December

As a reward for a successful half term and a Christmas treat, tomorrow (20th December) the children in Class 4 would like to watch ‘Home Alone’. As it is a certificate PG due to containing moderate slapstick violence and infrequent moderate language, please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate as...
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Christmas Lunch Wednesday 20th December

Dear Parents/Carers As you know the school Christmas Lunch will be taking place this Wednesday.  If your child is normally a packed lunch, but would prefer a cooked lunch, please let Mrs. Bacon know before the end of school on Tuesday. Also, just a reminder that the children will be having their school Christmas party...
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