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Class 4 Achievement Assembly 24th November

Just a reminder that Class 4’s Achievement Assembly will take place tomorrow – Thursday 24th November. If your child/ren have any certificates they would like handed out in the assembly, please bring them into school this afternoon or first thing in the morning.
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Minster FM Toy Appeal

This Christmas Crayke Church of England Primary School have decided to support the Minster FM Toy Appeal. ‘While most of us look forward to Christmas there are some children for whom it is just another day. Every year there are families who through no fault of their own dread the thought of the festive season;...
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Book Swap Box

To promote the enjoyment of reading, School Council have created an area in the entrance, for children to be able to swap books from home. If you would like your child to use the book swap box, please ensure that you have given your child permission to bring a suitable book in and take one...
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Easingwold School Parent’s Meeting 29th November – Class 4 only

We recently sent out a letter to parents/carers of children in Year 6 advising them of an Easingwold School meeting to be held at Crayke Primary School on Tuesday 29th November at 6pm. This meeting will now take place at 5pm and not 6pm and has also been opened up to parents/carers of children in...
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Bikeability – Year 6 Only

Just a reminder that Bikeability consent forms are due back in by Friday 18th November and children will be tested on the highway code next week.  
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Class 4’s Evacuation Experience Trip

Following Class 4’s evacuation experience trip we wrote thank you letters to NYMR; I would love to share their response with you: Hi Lauren, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the children for the wonderful letters that they sent me following your visit to the NYMR. I can only apologise...
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BBC Children In Need Friday 18th November

On Friday 18th November children are  invited to attend school in non-uniform for Children In Need – the theme again this year is Spotacular! A suggested donation of £1 will be made to Children in Need.  Please can children in Class 1 bring their donation into school in a named sealed envelope. In the afternoon,...
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Class 4 Achievement Assembly – Date Change

As Mr Buttery needs to attend a funeral on Friday 25th November, Class 4’s Achievement Assembly will now take place on Thursday 24th November at 9.05 am.
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Year 5/6 Residential Visits in Summer 2017

Just to let you know the details regarding the residential visits for Years 5 and 6 during the  summer term 2017. Year 6 will, as usual, be joining pupils from other cluster schools to visit East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre week commencing 19th June 2017 .  The cost for this visit is £275 + £10...
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Winter Weather & Possible Disruption

Following the recent drop in temperatures the winter is upon us yet again and we all need to be prepared  for the possibility of snow and ice. We will of course make every effort to keep the school open throughout the winter but in severe circumstances it may be necessary to close the school to...
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