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Maths Evening: Approaches to Calculation

On Wednesday 2nd November (6pm until approximately 7:30pm) we will be holding a maths evening for parents and carers of children from Reception to Year 6.  The evening is intended for parents/carers only and it is not expected that children will be present on this occasion. Your continued role in helping your child with their mathematical...
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Lost Property

A child in Class 4 has now lost 2 pairs of grey school shorts age 8-9 years with their name in.  We would be grateful if you could all check at home to see if your child has taken these home by mistake after a sporting activity. Many thanks for your assistance with this.
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Class 4 – Visit to North York Moors Railway tomorrow

We’re all really excited about our WW2 evacuation experience tomorrow but the weather forecast doesn’t look too kind.  Although we will be looking fabulous in our 1940s outfits, the most important thing is to make sure children have sufficient clothing to keep them warm and dry, especially as we will be eating our lunch outside....
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Have you lost a key?

A key was found outside the main entrance doors to school this morning.  If you have lost a key please contact Mrs Bacon in the office.
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Flu Vaccinations 20th October – Years 1, 2 and 3

Just to let you know that children in Years 1, 2 and 3 will receive their flu vaccinations next Thursday 20th October (unless you have not given your consent). Consent forms have already been completed by parents/carers and returned.
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Parent Reader Class 2

We are looking for a parent helper to listen to readers one afternoon/part of an afternoon in Class 2.  If anyone feels that they are able to spare a couple of hours each week to listen to the children read, we would be very grateful.  A DBS check will be required but this can be...
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School Photographs Final Reminder

Just a final reminder to say that that all school photograph orders need to be returned to school  by tomorrow morning at the latest, as they will be collected on Thursday afternoon. After that time, orders can be made direct with Lafayette Photography.    
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Head Lice

Unfortunately there are several cases of head lice in school.  Please could all parents check their children and if necessary, take remedial action with the whole family. Remember once a week, take a peek. Click here to open the NHS website with information regarding how to treat head lice.
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Phonics Workshop After School Today for Year 1 Parents

Just a reminder that the Phonics Workshop for Year 1 Parents will take place after school today from 3.30pm in Class 2 with Miss Lawrie. Facilities will be available for children to stay in school during the workshop.
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School Photographs – order deadline this Thursday

Just to remind you that the deadline for returning photograph orders to school is this Thursday 13th October. After 13th October, any orders will have to be made direct with Lafayette Photography.
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