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Whole School Photograph Orders

Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting photograph orders to school is tomorrow – Tuesday 5th July. If you require another order form, we do have copies in the school office. Many thanks.
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Crayke finish third in the North Yorkshire Tag Rugby Finals

What a week it has been for the boys and girls in Class 4! Earlier today our school finished a gallant third in the North Yorkshire School Games Finals.  We only lost one game (by one try) to the eventual winners; this resulted in us finishing in second place in Pool A. We went on...
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Music Lessons 2016/17

If your child/ren are interested in having music lessons at school starting from September 2016, further details and application forms can be obtained from Mrs Bacon in the school office.
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School open as usual on Tuesday 5th July

As some of you may be aware, a planned teacher’s strike is taking place on Tuesday 5th July.  This will have no affect upon our school. The children in Year 6 who will be attending a 3 day transition to Easingwold Secondary School next week, will also not be affected by the strike.
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Term Dates 2016/17

Autumn Term           –           Tuesday, 6th September to Friday, 16th December, 2016 Half Term        –           Monday, 24th October to return on Monday, 31st October Spring Term              –            Wednesday, 4th January to Friday, 7th April, 2017 Half Term        –           Monday, 20th February to return on Monday, 27th February Summer Term           –           Tuesday,...
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Social Media and Photographs

As with all school based events, could we please remind parents/carers that any pictures that contain other children should not be posted or appear on any forms of social media. If you did post any pictures containing other children at Sports Day, can we please kindly request that these are removed from your social media...
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White Baby Cardigan Found

Following Sports Day yesterday, we have found a white baby cardigan on the field, age up to 1 month.  If it belongs to you, please collect it from the school office.
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Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey (Year 2 & Year 6)

2016 –GROWING UP IN NORTH YORKSHIRE PUPIL SURVEY Dear Parents/Carers of children in Year 2 & Year 6 Our school, along with the majority of North Yorkshire schools, has agreed to participate in the 2016 Growing Up in North Yorkshire Survey for young people.   Information gained from individual school and county level analysis of...
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School Sports Day – Update

As the rain is not forecast to start now until after 1.00pm, we will go ahead with the picnic lunch as originally planned – you are welcome to attend this. If the forecast rain does appear, we will have no choice but to cancel the planned activities for this afternoon.
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Whole School Photograph

The whole school photograph for this year is now available to view in the Reception area, together with an example of the Black Scroll Box. Order forms will be sent out in book bags today and should be returned to school by Tuesday 5th July.
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