Tel. 01347 821767



School Photographs

Lafayette Photography will be visiting school on Friday, 25th September to take both individual photographs and sibling groups.  If you would prefer your child to only have an individual or a photo with their siblings, please let Mrs. Cotterill know by email or letter, otherwise both photographs will be taken.  If you would like pre-school children to...
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Jeans for Genes Day

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Friday, 18th September, is Jeans for Genes day.  Children are invited to come to school wearing jeans with their school sweatshirts on top, and donating a £1 towards this worthwhile charity.
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School Re-opening Tomorrow!

I am pleased to inform you that following remedial work to the hall ceiling, we shall be able to open our doors again tomorrow as usual.  There will be some disruption due to the incident such as scaffolding and barricaded areas, but these are health and safety measures to enable us to re-open.  Once again...
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School Closure Update

We do apologise for the delay in informing parents of the situation with regard to the school closure, but unfortunately we are waiting for contractors to inform us whether the building will be safe for children and adults if the school re-opens tomorrow.  We will, of course, inform parents as soon as we are able...
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Enforced Closure

Dear parents/carers, unfortunately due to a leak through the electrical light fittings, the school will not be able to open today. Closing the school is never an ideal option, however, we must take the health and safety of everyone into consideration. I will take necessary steps to facilitate the required repairs and will keep you...
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Class 3 Spellings Only

Dear parents/carers, On Friday last week, your child will have done their first spelling test in Class 3. The spelling lists from the new National Curriculum are far more challenging than previous spelling expectations and we are required to teach the children how to spell the words in red that appear on your child’s spelling...
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