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Grandparents’ Lunches

Dear Grandparents, We would like to cordially invite you to come and ‘luncheon’ with your grandchildren. You may have very fond ( or not so fond) memories of your own school dinners but I can assure you that you will not want to pass up this opportunity! For a small contribution of £2.60 you can...
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New Term News

I would like to welcome the students and staff back for the new academic year.  As you will already be aware, we have two new members of staff – Miss Lawrie who will be teaching in Class 2 and Mrs. Rayner in Class 3 – and we would like to welcome them to our staff....
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As promised, the new sweatshirts are now in school.  If anyone would like to pick up new sweatshirts today, rather than leave it until tomorrow, please call into school no later than 3.00 p.m.  Thank you.
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Family Service

There will be a Family Service this Sunday (10:30) at the Church of St Cuthbert in Crayke.  All welcome…
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Head Lice

Head lice are not serious, but can be very annoying.  Research has shown that infections of head lice occur just as often in school holidays as during term time.  However, it would be wonderful if the children could return to school on Tuesday 8th September head lice free. A routine of regularly wet combing everyone’s...
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Summer Reading Challenge

I just wanted to remind everyone that Summer Reading Challenge is currently available to all children.  The challenge takes place every year during the summer holidays.  You can sign up at your local library, then read six library books of your choice, collecting stickers and other rewards along the way. Further information can be found at...
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Year 6 East Barnby Photographs

If any parents would like a copy of the photographs which were taken at East Barnby, please call into school with a data storage device in September.  Unfortunately, due to the number of pictures taken, it won’t be possible to email the photographs.
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Spare Clothes for Reception Children

Whilst sorting out the class room at the end of the term, we realise that we are very short of spare clothing for the children in Class 1.  If you are having a sort out at home over the holidays and have any spare P.E. kit, shorts, girls’ skirts and trousers aged 4/5, we would...
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Gas Bottle from Barbecue

We still have a large gas bottle left in school from the Summer Fair barbecue.  Obviously, for health and safety reasons, we do not want this to stay in school over the summer holidays.  Would the owner please arrange to collect this by Friday.  Thank you.
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Snail Racing Tomorrow!

Sorry, my mistake, snails are needed in Class 1 for Forest Schools snail racing tomorrow!
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