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Open Evening on 8th July

We shall be holding an Open Evening next Wednesday, 8th July at 6.00 p.m.  This will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher for September. As Class 1 children have already had the opportunity to come into school and parents have met Mrs. Sheppard, this evening is aimed more at children...
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Y6 Reports/Results

Y6 SATs results will be made available via NCA Tools on Tuesday, 7th July.  It is our intention to make these results and the end of year reports for Y6 children only available on Tuesday.  As some of our children are at Easingwold School for their transition days, their reports/results will be available to collect...
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Summer Production of Scheherazade

The older children are working really hard towards their production of “Scheherazade” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours.  The first performance is on Tuesday, 14th July at 2.00 p.m., with the evening performance starting at 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 15th July.  Please put these dates on your calendar and we look forward to seeing...
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School Camping Saturday 11th July

Just a reminder about the School Camping night on Saturday 11th July. This will be at The Dawnay – a Scout and Cub venue 1 mile off the Easingwold by pass roundabout. The venue has a secure parking area, a field for games and tents, a woodland clearing where we can light a fire and...
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Cluster Athletics – we won!

Congratulations to all the children who successfully represented our school and contributed to Crayke winning the annual Cluster Athletics Competition. I would like to thank the parents/carers and teaching staff who gave up their time to support the event.
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Easingwold transition information (for parents/carers of children attending Easingwold Secondary School in September 2015)

I noticed that some children did not pick up their letter which contains important information about upcoming transition events.  I have added the letter below for your reference:  Dear Parent or Carer We are very much looking forward to welcoming your son or daughter to Easingwold School in September, and to two forthcoming transition events,...
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Heatwave Advice

Given the current, and continuing hot weather warnings, we would like to remind parents/carers how they can support us in keeping children cool and safe: Sun Screen/Sun Block – Please apply sun screen or sun block of a sufficiently high factor to your child before school. If necessary, this should be replayed throughout the day....
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Whole School Photo

I have been advised by Tempest that a proof of the whole school photo is available on their website.  There will also apparently be hard copies of the proof being sent out to school as well, but this might just give you an insight. The instructions for viewing the proof are as follows: “The schools...
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Class 3’s Amazing Chair Designs!

This week Class 3 designed and built some amazing chairs for important people such as an African Chief, Mother Nature, Poseidon and even James Bond!  Their design flair was there for all to see.
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Amazing Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

The school had an amazing trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Friday.  The trip was a real hit with all the children, who loved visiting all the different animals.  The Year 5 children did a recount of the day. Yorkshire Wildlife Park
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