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Y5/6 Residential Visits in Summer 2015

Just to let you know the details regarding the residential visits for Years 5 and 6 during the second half of the summer term 2015.  Year 6 will, as usual, be joining pupils from other cluster schools to visit East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre week commencing 22nd until 26th June .  The cost for this...
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Class 2 Transport Project

As part of their topic work this term, Class 2 are looking at transport and this week they will be making model trains.  Could children all bring in some small boxes that could be used to make train models on Thursday.  Thank you.
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Harvest Festival

We would like to invite everyone to join us at Crayke Church for our Harvest Festival on Monday, 6th October starting at 2.30 p.m.  This year we will be making a collection for The Mala Project, which is a programme for the elimination of child labour in the hand knotted carpet industry in India.  We look...
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Class 1 Forest Schools

Mrs. Forshaw would like to remind everyone that the children in Class 1 will be taking part in their weekly Forest Schools session tomorrow afternoon and will, therefore, need to have wellies and a waterproof coat in school for this activity.
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Fairtrade Catalogues

Just a gentle reminder to parents of children in Class 4 – could they please return the Fairtrade Christmas catalogues (hopefully with an order attached) so that these can now be passed to Class 3 parents.  Thank you.
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Parents’ Lunch

Just a quick reminder that this year’s Parents’ Lunch is on Thursday 25th September from 12.30pm.  It will be held at Heather Ellerker’s house in Huby (Nook House Farm, Bell Lane, Huby, YO61 1YA).  This is an ideal opportunity for new parents to meet other parents and members of CHASA, whilst enjoying a delicious buffet lunch.  Everyone is extremely...
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Fairtrade Christmas Catalogues

As usual at this time of year, we shall be sending out the Fairtrade Christmas catalogue for you to look in for Christmas ideas and gifts.  As you know, any commission that we make on parent orders is used to sponsor our Honduran child and this is our main annual fundraising event for her, so...
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