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Re-arranged Class 3 Parents Evening

Just to let you know that Mrs. Mason will be doing her Parents’ Evening next Tuesday and Wednesday, 18th and 19th March.  Unless parents are unable to make it, the original timings from the sign up sheets will be used next week.
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Cancellation of Class 3 Parents Evening

Unfortunately, we will have to cancel both tonight’s and tomorrow evening’s Parents’ Evening in Class 3 due to Mrs. Mason being unwell.  I do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but in line with our 48 hour policy on returning after sickness, it will be necessary to re-arrange the Parents’ Evenings to another time.
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Year 5 Visit to Carlton Lodge

Good news – we have managed to get a discount from Carlton Lodge Outdoor Education Centre and so the cost of the residential visit is now £135 (not £150 as previously informed).
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World Book Day

The children have had a wonderful time today, dressing up as characters from their favourite picture books, writing letters to characters in their books, designing new front covers, making “Wanted” posters, etc.  In the afternoon, the older children took the opportunity to share their picture books with the younger children, reading their stories together and...
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Year 5 Residential to Carlton Lodge, Thirsk

The Year 5 residential visit to Carlton Lodge, Thirsk takes place from the 2nd – 4th June.  The cost of this trip is £150 and if anyone wishes to pay with installments towards this trip, please contact Mrs. Cotterill.  The deadline for payments is Friday, 4th April as unfortunately, unlike the other residential visit, this...
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Cross Country Event

We have 9 places available on the coach to the cross country event at Knayton tomorrow, so if any parent would like to come with us, please let us know and they will be allocated on a first come/first serve basis.
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