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Once again I have to inform you that we have headlice in school.  Would all parents please check their children and take the appropriate action with the whole family.  Thank you.
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Family Service

Rev. Liz and the congregation of St. Cuthbert’s Church, Crayke invite you to join them for a family service at 4pm this Sunday (2nd February).  We will be celebrating the feast of Candlemas – come and find out what that means! All welcome. The service will last about 45 minutes.
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Fascinating China!

On Tuesday, Mrs. Tang spent the morning in Class 3 helping us with our topic on China.  She told us many facts about Chinese life and showed us her artefacts.  She also very kindly brought us lots of Chinese New Year treats to taste and we’re looking forward to finishing them off during our New...
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Christingle Service

The collection at the Christingle service, including all the collecting candles brought by the children, raised a total of £233.50. This has been sent to the Children’s Society and will go to help the most disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. Thank you to all who donated, or contributed in any way, to...
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We are delighted to announce that Miss Wagstaff is expecting a baby at the end of June.  Many congratulations to her and her partner. For your information, applications for the headteacher’s post close at the end of this week and interviews will take place at the end of February. We will keep you informed about...
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Oh What A Night!

What a fabulous evening was had by everyone who went to the Young Voices concert on Monday!  The children participated with such enthusiasm, strutting their stuff and singing their hearts out!  A big thank you to everyone who came along to support us and we hope you enjoyed it as much as us!
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Parent letter

Please be aware that your child will have a school letter in their bag this evening which all parents need to read. Thank you.
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Additional Young Voices tickets available

Two more Young Voices tickets have become available should anyone else require additional tickets.  Please contact Mrs. Cotterill for details.
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