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Reminder- class 3 assembly tomorrow

Just a reminder that it is class 3 assembly tomorrow morning at 9.10am.
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Parents Evening Monday March 11th

We are holding a Spring term pupil progress meeting for all parents on Monday March 11th. This is an opportunity for you as parents to discuss with your child’s teacher the progress your child has made and any ways that you can help your child at home. Please can you respond to the school by email...
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Congratulations to Anika – a place in the National Youth Orchestra

We are absolutely thrilled to congratulate Anika Schwarze Y6 on achieving a place in the National Children’s Orchestra. There were over 1000 children auditioning and Anika has done brilliantly to be awarded a place. She will now attend rehearsals before the concerts later in the year. Well done, we are really proud of you!
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Y5/6 Theatre trip – THIS WEEK!

We have been offered the fantastic opportunity to take the Y5/6 class to see the play Goodnight Mister Tom at Grand Opera House York, this Thursday 28th February. We will be leaving school for the 1pm matinee and will return to school at 4pm. The children will require a pack up. The cost for both...
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It’s over!!

Thanks so much for all the support ….. I am now recovering after 2 and 1/2 hours of plodding! It was amazing to see everyone doing their bit both for charity and personal achievement. i am pleased to say too that I raised a grand total of £640 For water aid Am glad it’s half...
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Wear a ‘onesie’ for Water Aid!

As some of you may or may not know, this Sunday I shall be plodding the streets of Brighton in the Brighton Half Marathon. I did explain to the children in January that even as adults we have to learn new skills and more importantly rise to the challenge of things we find difficult ( breathing after...
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Website permissions – polite reminder

Could I please remind you to respond to the website permissions article posted in the ‘items to respond to’ section. In order to maximise the use of our website we do need to collate up to date permissions And we are still missing a number of responses. many thanks
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Cross country next round y3/4/5/6

Please note: children will be informed tomorrow about their involvement in the next round. thank you.
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Young Voices DVD – last chance to order.

This is the last opportunity to order a copy of the Young Voices DVD from Sheffield Motorpoint Arena. We will be submitting the order on Monday 11th February. Anyone who would still like to order can submit a cheque (paid to school) for £15. Many thanks
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Quick reminder – tonight 7pm!

Just a quick reminder to all those who missed last years information evening given by North Yorkshire Police on Facebook and Social media. Its not too late ……7pm-8pm tonight – School Hall It’s important to know all the facts before your children do!
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