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Keeping Active Over the Holidays: Request for Photos

Dear Parents/Carers As the holiday season approaches, we are eating lots of delicious food and squeezing in extra treats. How are you as a family going to keep active? I am sure that I will see lots of you around the village and in Easingwold when I am out walking my dogs. You might be...
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Important information about the end of term

Dear Parents/Carers, Despite the news from the DfE yesterday, we will not be calling an INSET day next Friday. As planned, we will stay open on Friday 18th December, with Monday 4th January being an INSET day and the children returning to school on Tuesday 5th January. I have spoken with all of the local...
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NATIVITY – Message for Class 1 and Class 2 Parent/Carers

Dear Parents/Carers We understand that the nativity is a truly memorable event as a parent/carer and we are keen to be able to share a performance, albeit in a different way to previous years, which also adheres to Covid regulations. Mrs Helfferich and Mrs Dobson are in the process of arranging to film separate performances...
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Interactive Advent Calendar

Good afternoon, We thought you might like to participate in an Interactive Advent Calendar opportunity with your children at home this December.  Day 1 is now live and the doors once open will remain open for the rest of December so you can re-visit the activities anytime you want.   Some of the activities will be great...
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School Virtual Book Fair – Now until 4th December

Just a reminder that Mrs Rayner has arranged a virtual book fair this year. The book fair is open right now and will continue until 4th December. All the information you will need about the Book Fair are detailed in a letter from Leighs Little Book Shop – just click on the link below Book...
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Dinner Money for the second half of this half-term (30 November to 18 December) is now due

Dinner money for the second half of this half term (3 weeks from 30 November to 18 December) is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. The total amount for the 3 weeks is £39.75, however if you are due any credits from the last 4 weeks, these will have been deducted...
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Car Parking at the Sports Hall

Dear Parents/Carers We have been advised  that there has been an incident of antisocial behaviour at the Sports Club & Village Hall, which has resulted in an area of the car park being cordoned off.  However, there should still be sufficient parking for parents/carers on the drive down to the sports club and we understand...
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Reminder: Year 2 and Year 6 parents

Good afternoon, A reminder that Year 2 and Year 6 pupils will soon be completing the Growing Up in North Yorkshire survey, as per previous communication in the newsletter and via direct email. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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