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Reading Books

Good afternoon, We would like to make you aware of the system we have put in place to enable children to take school reading books home in the current situation. Class 1 – phonics flashcards will be sent home in the first instance. This will be supplemented soon by wordless books; we are in the...
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First day success!

Good evening, Thanks to EVERYONE who helped make the first day back at school so successful today. We were so impressed with how well everybody came into school this morning and settled so quickly – especially our new starters, who already seem as if they have been at school for weeks! The children are already...
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Final Reminders – Start of Term Autumn 2020

Dear Parents, Carers and Children, We are really looking forward to seeing everyone back and welcoming our new starters in school tomorrow. We know that some children and parents are going to be very excited and others will be very nervous; this is completely understandable.  We would like to make the goodbye process as quick...
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Home to school transport update

Good afternoon, Please see the following message, received this afternoon from NYCC. Audience : All schools We would appreciate if all schools and academies could use their own messaging systems to share the following information with parents on the arrangements which will be in place on home to school transport. We apologise for the lateness...
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Classroom photos

Good afternoon children, We hope that you are really excited about returning to school next week! Your teachers and teaching assistants have been super stars, spending lots of time this holiday getting your classrooms all ready for you to come back.  We thought that you might like a sneak preview of what your classrooms are...
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