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Home Learning Packs for Years 2 to 5: Collection Arrangements

The home learning packs have now arrived in school and are ready for collection.  Please can you collect your child/ren’s packs on the following dates/times.  If you have more than one child to collect for, please come at the date/time for your YOUNGEST child. If your child currently attends school in the keyworker group they...
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Sensational Sculptures!

Thank you to those who have already submitted their photographs for our sculpture competition! If you are working on your sculpture designs don’t forget to send in your photo entries to school by July 1st! If you missed it and don’t know what we are talking about check out our school website to see the...
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Picture News 15.6.20

Story: One parent’s solution to helping her children manage money during the lockdown period was to buy a vending machine for the family! Question: How should we learn to manage our money? Learning from Home Ideas – 15th June Money Box Design Picture News Prompt 1 Picture News Prompt 2 Currency
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Home Learning w/c 15th June 2020

Good afternoon, Please find attached the home learning packs for next week. Week 3 Class 1 Week 3 Class 2 Week 3 Class 3 Week 3 Class 4
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Mrs Yates Recipes

We know the children not in school are missing Mrs Yates’ lovely cooking, so we will be sharing some of her recipes to try yourselves at home over the coming weeks. Thank you to Mrs Yates for writing up the recipes and to Mrs Bramall for beautifully illustrating the recipe cards. This week we have...
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Have you ever wondered?

Some creatures have a bad wrap and it’s time to investigate a little closer to help us get a balanced view. Let’s start with wasps. They have to be bad, right? Well, we don’t like getting stung, that’s for sure. But, why have they survived and do we actually need them in our world? It’s...
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Reminder: Social distancing 2M Rule

Dear Parents/Carers Now that there are more children back in school, please can we respectfully remind all parents to practice social distancing with other parents/carers when dropping off/collecting your children from school and respect the 2M Rule. Thank you for your co-operation.  
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Reminder: Collection Times today

Just a reminder that Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children finish school at lunchtime today and their collection times are as follows – Reception – 12:15pm – 12:25pm Year 1 – 12:30pm – 12:40pm Year 6 – 12:45pm  
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Road Safety

Today a special walking event had been planned across the UK by Brakes that aimed to raise awareness of road safety. Unfortunately, the walk had to be cancelled but that doesn’t mean that  road safety in cancelled! We all know it is very important to stay safe around roads and village lanes but it’s always...
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