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Class 4

Year 6 Only: Applying for a Secondary School Place – deadline 31st October

We have been asked by North Yorkshire County Council School Admissions team to remind parents/carers of Year pupils, to apply online for a secondary school place by the 31st October 2019.
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Purple Mash – Our New Learning Platform

To access a much wider range of high quality resources and learning tools, we have taken the decision as a school to replace our online learning platform ‘DB Primary’ with ‘Purple Mash.’ You may notice on our school website that the link has been updated, to direct you to our Crayke Purple Mash login page:...
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Times Table Rockstars – Welcome back Class 3 & 4!

I hope you have a great summer and hopefully managed to keep up with learning your times tables. All children have now been transferred up to their new classes and your class teacher will be setting new times tables for you this week. Year 2 children will be introduced to Times Table Rockstars over the...
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Young Leaders Award – The Archbishop of York Youth Trust

I’m writing to inform you that Class 4 will be taking part in the Young Leaders Award this year. We’re really excited to be involved in this programme which has been designed and written by the Archbishop of York Youth Trust. For more information visit The Young Leaders Award aims to equip young people...
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Class 4 Swimming Lessons Start Next Week

Just a reminder that children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions next week on Tuesday 17th September for an eight week period (except 1st October) They will be attending Thirsk Swimming pool for a half hour session between 10.30am and 11.00am. We will be using money from our Sports Grant to fund the...
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Year 6 Pupils Transfer to Secondary School

Please find attached a letter for parents of  Year 6 pupils who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2020. Yr6 Letter to parents secondary transfer 2020
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Swimming Lessons Class 4 only

Children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions on Tuesday 17th September for an eight week period (except for 1st October when there will be no lessons). They will be attending Thirsk Swimming pool for a half hour session between 10.30am and 11.00am for five weeks prior to half term and three weeks after....
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Class 4 film: Thursday 18th July

As a reward for a successful year and an end of term treat, tomorrow (18th July) the children in Class 4 would like to watch ‘Beauty and the Beast (2017)’. As it is a certificate PG for ‘action violence, peril and frightening images’ please inform me if you DO NOT wish your child to participate...
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Year 6 SATs Results

As mentioned in earlier communications, Year 6 parents/carers will receive test outcome in the reports handed out today. Children ‘working at greater depth’ are not highlighted on the report generated by the Department for Education, however, if your child has a scaled score of 110 or higher this is likely to equate to greater depth....
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Class 3 and Class 4 Costumes for Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

Dear Parents/Carers Please can all costumes for our performance of  Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits be in school by this Friday morning latest. Many thanks for your assistance. Mrs Chandler
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