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Class 4

East Barnby – Year 6 Parents/Carers

The coach left East Barnby at 2pm and the estimated arrival time back at school is between 3.30pm and 4pm. The children have had a great week but are exhausted and are looking forward to a good nights sleep in their own beds!  
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Treasure Island Costumes and Props

CLASS 3 – THE CHOIR Stripy t-shirt/top Dark bottoms e.g. leggings, shorts etc.. Dark footwear Plea for donations of props: If anyone has any of these items hidden in the depths of your home, being able to use/borrow them would be much appreciated; Plastic spades Tankards Any pirate paraphernalia e.g. hats, swords, eye-patches A wooden...
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East Barnby Update

Thursday 22nd June – Update from Mr Buttery After all our children enjoyed a three mile canoeing adventure into Whitby yesterday (in at times torrential rain), there were some exhausted but happy children last night. We’re looking forward to celebrating Oakes’ birthday today…
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East Barnby Update – Year 6 Parents/Carers

Mr Buttery has been in touch this morning to say that all the children slept well last night and are looking forward to today’s activities.    
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Year 5 Events at Easingwold School – 23rd and 29th June

We sent out two separate posts last week about the Year 5 Discover Day at Easingwold School on 23rd June and the Year 5 Multi Skills Sports Day at Easingwold School on 29th June. This is just a reminder to e-mail your consent to, as soon as possible. Should you need the information re-sending,...
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Year 5 Multi Skills Sports Day at Easingwold School – 29th June

Our Year 5 children have been invited to take part in a Multi Skills Sports Day at Easingwold School on Thursday, 29th June.  The children will be working with other children from the cluster schools in various sporting events. Children should be taken to Easingwold School to meet Mrs. Shirley in the main hall at...
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Year 5 Discovery Day at Easingwold School on 23rd June

Year 5 children have been invited to take part in a Discovery Day at Easingwold School on Friday, 23rd June.  The children will be working with other children from the cluster schools in various workshops, including Technology, Science, Humanities and Languages.  They will be accompanied by Easingwold Secondary School students throughout the day. Children should...
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Carlton Lodge 5th – 7th June – Year 5 only

Just a reminder that we will be holding a meeting in school tomorrow – Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. Please can we also remind you to return the Consent form and Agreed conduct form as soon as possible to enable us to send the information...
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Thursday 18th May at 3.45p.m. for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge. At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask...
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End of SATS Celebrations – Class 4 Only

As the last SAT exam is on Thursday, we have decided to hold a “party” afternoon on Friday, 12th May. Children can bring their own clothes to change into after lunch and if they would like to bring some party music or DVDs (only U rated original films) that would be fine.  No food is...
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