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Class 2 Parents Evening

Please note that there was an error on the initial Class 2 Newsletter last week with regard to the date for Parents Evening.  The correct dates are 18th and 19th October. Apologies for the confusion. Mrs Dobson
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Class 2 Art & DT: 3D Castles

During the latter part of this half term Class 2 will be making their own 3D castles from various small cardboard boxes, tubes and recyclable materials.  It would be really helpful if you could start to save small cardboard boxes and tubes at home. Toothpaste boxes or kitchen roll tubes make ideal towers but unfortunately...
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Swimming Lessons – Class 4 only

Children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions on Tuesday 19th September for an eight week period. They will be attending Thirsk Swimming pool for a half hour session between 10.30am and 11.00am for five weeks prior to half term and three weeks after.  We will be using money from our Sports Grant to fund...
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Design Technology – Class 3 only

Class 3 are learning all about bridges this half term in design technology and will be designing and making their own bridge models later this term. To help them gather inspiration and to develop their sketch books in school, please could the children sketch and/or photograph different bridges they may come across up until October...
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Parent Meeting 8th September – Class 1 only

Dear Parents/Carers of Class 1 children Please would it be possible for you to arrive at school at 12.45pm on Friday 8th September for a quick meeting prior to collecting your children.  This will be to discuss homework arrangements and sound cards. Many thanks Mrs Sheppard  
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Thank you from Mrs Dobson

I would like to thank all the children and parents in Class 2 last term for our lovely wedding gifts. We had an amazing day! Here are just a few photographs from the day that I thought you might like to see….. Mrs Dobson
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Young Voices 2018 – Years 5 and 6 only

Dear Parents of Year 5/6 pupils We are planning on taking a group of Year 5 and Year 6 children to the Young Voices concert at Sheffield Arena on Wednesday 17th January 2018. Rehearsals will begin on Monday 11th September from 3.00 pm until 3.45 pm.  They will be run by Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Halliday...
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