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School Sports Kit – Years 5/6

Please can you check if you have any School Sports Kit at home and if so, please return it to school by tomorrow – we are looking for the number 3 shirt and other items. Many thanks
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Class 3 Film

Children in Class 3 have voted to watch the film ‘Mowana’ this coming Friday.  This film is rated PG, so please can you let us know as soon as possible if you do not wish your child to watch the film. Also, please can we ask children to bring a plastic bag or similar into...
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Class 2 only – carrier bag required

Please can all children in Class 2 bring a plastic carrier bag or similar into school to take their work home in. Many thanks Miss Lawrie
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Sunflowers – class 3 only

Please can all children in Class 3 bring in their Sunflower heights and a photograph if possible, by Wednesday 19th July. Many thanks Mrs Rayner
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Summer Production of Treasure Island

The older children are working really hard towards their production of “Treasure Island” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours. The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday 17th July.  The first performance is on Tuesday 18th July at 2.00pm, with the evening performance starting at 6.00pm on Wednesday 19th July. Costumes Most of the...
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Treasure Island Reminders

Just a couple of reminders about our KS2 performance of Treasure Island – There are NO rehearsals tonight after school – all children need to be collected at the usual time The dress rehearsal will take place tomorrow – please can you make sure that your child’s costume is brought into school tomorrow if you...
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Treasure Island Costumes

Please can all costumes for the forthcoming performance of Treasure Island be in school by next Friday 14th July latest when the children will be doing their dress rehearsal. Many thanks Mrs Chandler
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Newspapers – Class 4 only

Class 4 will be making masks towards the end of this week, so please can children in Class 4 bring in any old newspapers over the next couple of days. Many thanks
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East Barnby – Year 6 Parents/Carers

The coach left East Barnby at 2pm and the estimated arrival time back at school is between 3.30pm and 4pm. The children have had a great week but are exhausted and are looking forward to a good nights sleep in their own beds!  
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Treasure Island Costumes and Props

CLASS 3 – THE CHOIR Stripy t-shirt/top Dark bottoms e.g. leggings, shorts etc.. Dark footwear Plea for donations of props: If anyone has any of these items hidden in the depths of your home, being able to use/borrow them would be much appreciated; Plastic spades Tankards Any pirate paraphernalia e.g. hats, swords, eye-patches A wooden...
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