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Class 4 – Reward Session

As part of Class 4’s reward session (which they build their signatures up for) on Wednesday 16th December 2015, we will be watching a film and having popcorn! The film we will be watching is ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. This film is a PG, therefore please inform us if you DO NOT wish your child...
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Christmas Performance – Christmas with the Aliens

I’m sure that you are all aware that preparations for the Christmas performance are now in full swing.  The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday, 7th December when Crayke Playgroup will be coming to join us.  The afternoon performance is on Tuesday, 8th December and begins at 2.30 p.m., with the evening performance taking place...
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Class 3 Maths project – lost property!

Over the last two weeks, Class 3 have been doing a maths data handling project.  As part of this project, we investigated how many different items there were in lost property.  There were a staggering 104 items in lost property!  The most common items in lost property were P.E jogging bottoms, closely followed by school...
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Microbiology in Class 4

I would like to thank Mrs Featherstone for coming into school to share both her expertise and equipment on Tuesday.  The children used agar plates to culture micro-organisms, learned about how microbes are used in food production and looked at a range of micro-organisms through some very powerful microscopes.  
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Class 4 Visit to Murton Park

In view of the weather forecast for cold weather on Monday for Class 4’s visit to Murton Park Danelaw Centre, it is essential that, as all the activities will take place outside, all children have a warm coat and sturdy footwear or Wellington boots.  Don’t forget a packed lunch.
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Class 3 Times Tables Test

Just to let you know that after half term, the times tables test will be done weekly on a Monday in Class 3 and not on a Friday.
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Year 1 + 2 Flu Immunisation

Just a quick reminder that the last day for submitting your permission forms for the flu immunisation programme is tomorrow, Friday, 23rd October.
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Class 1 Achievement Assembly

This Friday, 23rd October, is Class 1’s Achievement Assembly at 9.10 a.m.  This is an opportunity for parents in Class 1 to join the children in our Achievement Assembly, to celebrate the children’s work and any certificates/awards they may have received from activities outside of school.  Parents are welcome to leave their children as usual and...
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Class 3 Parents’ Evening

We are pleased to inform parents that as of next Wednesday, Mrs. Manfield will be returning to her standard hours. The school would like to thank Mrs. Cahill for her time in Class 3.  However, due to Mrs. Manfield’s recent return to school, the decision has been made that she will not be available for...
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Flu Vaccination for Years 1 and 2

Children in Years 1 and 2 will today be bringing home a letter concerning flu vaccinations to take place in school in November.  Please could you ensure that the consent forms are returned to school no later than Friday, 23rd October for them to be passed on to the community nurses.
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