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Year 6 East Barnby Photographs

If any parents would like a copy of the photographs which were taken at East Barnby, please call into school with a data storage device in September.  Unfortunately, due to the number of pictures taken, it won’t be possible to email the photographs.
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Snail Racing Tomorrow!

Sorry, my mistake, snails are needed in Class 1 for Forest Schools snail racing tomorrow!
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Class Four Summer Transition Homework

 Class Four Summer Transition Homework Your task is to complete a project about a country of your choice. Firstly you must decide which country you would like to research. It could be a country you used to live in, a country your family is from, a country you have visited (on a holiday etc) or...
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Snails for Forest Schools

Just a quick reminder that the children in Class 1 need their snails for this afternoon’s snail racing!
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Re-arranged Date for Y6 Mini-Olympics at Easingwold School

The re-arranged date for the Y6 Mini-Olympics is this Wednesday, 15th July at Easingwold School.  As previously stated, teams will be picked on the day allowing all pupils to mix with children from other schools.  They will then take part in a number of multi-skills events. All pupils need to be at Easingwold Secondary School...
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Class 1 Forest Schools

For Forest Schools this week, could children in Class 1 please bring in a small bottle (about the size of a food colouring bottle) to put their potions in.  Next week, the children will need to bring a snail for snail racing.
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Amazing Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

The school had an amazing trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Friday.  The trip was a real hit with all the children, who loved visiting all the different animals.  The Year 5 children did a recount of the day. Yorkshire Wildlife Park
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Chairs fit for an important person!

Class 3 had a wonderful time this week designing and making chairs fit for an important person.  Their imaginations ran wild and they came up with some wonderful chair designs for important people like James Bond, an African Chief, Poseidon and Mother Nature.              
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