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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Change to PE arrangements this week (13.12.21)

Good morning, In an update to the information shared on Friday’s newsletter, please note that: HOLLY Class will now be having PE with Mr Montgomery tomorrow (Tuesday) instead of PE on Wednesday.  This means that they need to come to school wearing their PE kits tomorrow and bring their party outfit with them. They then...
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Drama Club

Good afternoon, Drama Club recited and acted out ‘Twas a Night Before Christmas during their final session tonight.  We thought you might like to see a selection of photographs.  A big thanks to Becky Lennon for running the sessions and for teaching the children a range of new skills. We also loved her fancy lighting!...
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Whole School Art Collaboration

Good afternoon, We thought that you would like to see this outcome of our Heritage Week art collaboration.  It included contributions from children of all ages and we are grateful to Miss Walker, Art Subject Leader, for taking the lead on the project.  It is now proudly displayed on the wall in the hall and...
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Confirmed positive Covid cases in school 9.11.21

Dear Parents and Carers, I have been in contact with Public Health today and they have asked me to send out the attached letter: Warn and inform letter 9 11 21  They recommend booking a PCR test as soon as possible if anyone is concerned or thinks their child may have been a close contact. ...
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Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2021

Poppies for the annual Poppy Appeal will be available in school from tomorrow for a small donation.  As with previous years, alongside the poppies, the Royal British Legion have provided school with various items such as wristbands, snap bands, clip on bag reflectors and zip pulls that can also be purchased for a donation of...
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Covid-19 Update: 30.10.21

Good afternoon, NYCC have asked us to share this letter with you as parents and carers, following an increase in cases both locally and nationally:  COVID-19 letter to parents and carers 29-10-21 Furthermore, they have produced an Education FAQ document which may be of interest and is available in full here: Education settings Q+A v.1.5...
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Welcome to our new look website!

Good afternoon, We hope you like our newly updated school website. We are still in the process of making the final tweaks and adjustments.  If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear it! Please do get in touch: Thank you! Crayke Team
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Skipathon – tomorrow

Good morning, We are really looking forward to our sponsored skipping event tomorrow in school. Sponsorship money can be brought in at any time up until Thursday 22 October.  Here’s a copy of the sponsorship form in case you need another one: Sponsorship form sponsored skip Thank you for your support Judi Jackson and Caroline Helfferich...
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Launch of Sponsored Skipping Event

Good morning, This afternoon your child will be bringing home a letter with details about a really exciting whole school sponsored skipping event.  An electronic copy of the letter and sponsorship form can be found below. We would be so grateful for your support with this. Sponsored skip letter Sponsorship form sponsored skip With best...
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Entrance photograph updates

Good afternoon, As you will remember, before the summer holidays we were lucky enough to have Damian Bramley from DJB Photography visit school to update our photographs.  Watch out for updates on the website soon, but in the meantime we thought you would like to see the newly refreshed school entrance with photographs reflecting our...
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