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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Carlton Lodge – update for tomorrow (Friday)

What a fabulous day we have all had today! The children have been brilliant and we can’t wait for Round 2 tomorrow.  As all of the wet activities have been completed today, the children will NOT require the following items tomorrow: Towel Full change of clothes Waterproofs Wellies They WILL require: a packed lunch, water...
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Carlton Lodge Update

Class 4 enjoying lunch after a brilliant morning kayaking and raft building on the water! Mrs Chandler  
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RSE – Parent Consultation

Good afternoon, As promised in today’s newsletter, please find the link to a letter with further information about statutory changes to the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) as well as our draft updated policy. Letter to parents and carers regarding RSE DRAFT RSE Policy Summer 2021 Should you wish to provide comment on...
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Welcome to the world Master Dobson!

Here’s the news we’ve all be waiting for! We are delighted to announce the safe arrival of the newest member of Team Crayke… Ronnie Paul Dobson was born last night at 8:48pm weighing 9 pounds 1oz.  Mum and baby both doing well and, as you can see from the photo, Elvis is an extremely proud...
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Class 4 Visit to Carlton Lodge 27/28 May

Please see attached clothing and kit list for the upcoming visit to Carlton Lodge for children in Year 5/6. Clothing and kit requirements If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Home School Values – Responsibility

Good afternoon, Our special value for this term is Responsibility.   We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together HomeSchoolValues-RESPONSIBILITY
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Reminders for the Start of Summer Term

Hello everybody! We can’t wait to welcome you all back to school tomorrow at the usual staggered start times: Morning:       8:45am – 8:55am       Class 1 and Class 3 children (and siblings) 9:00am – 9:10am       Class 2 and Class 4 children A reminder of the collection times, which are also unchanged: Afternoon:    3:15pm...
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Reminder – Class 4 landscape photo for art

I hope the children in Class 4 have had chance to take a photograph (just using a phone is fine) of a Yorkshire landscape in preparation for their continuing Art topic exploring David Hockney. It can either be printed out and brought in on our return to school on 13th April or emailed to
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Class 4 photograph for Art

Over the holidays, it would be wonderful if children in Class 4 could take a photograph (just using a phone is fine) of a Yorkshire landscape in preparation for their continuing Art topic exploring David Hockney. It can either be printed out and brought in on our return to school on 13th April or emailed...
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