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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Extreme Readers… The winners!

We are delighted to announce that, following a gruelling process undertaken by Mr Porter (Chair of Governors) and Mrs Chappell (English Link Governor) the following entries have been chosen as the winners of our competition: Percy – EYFS/KS1 winner Harry – KS2 winner Eva – EYFS/KS1 runner up Oskar – KS2 runner up Here’s a special...
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Messages from Public Health for parents and carers

Please see below for a series of important messages/reminders from Public Health during the second national lockdown: • Please ensure that you maintain social distancing from others when dropping off and collecting your child from our school.  Please continue to follow the guidance issued by us to help with this. • For those travelling by...
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Request for spare wool

Class 3 are doing a design technology project about Iron Age weaving. If you have any spare wool that the children could use to try out their weaving techniques with, that would be hugely appreciated. Please put it in the drop box at the front of school and we will quarantine it before use. Many...
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Children in Need donations and reminder

Good afternoon, Children in Need day is fast approaching and we are looking forward to seeing everybody in their non-uniform outfits this Friday.  Please remember that the children will be doing PE during the day as normal, so outfits should be appropriate for outdoor sport. We continue to try to reduce the amount of items...
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Remote Learning Survey – please click and complete

To help us plan our remote learning offer effectively, Mrs Rayner has created an online parent survey, available via this link: We would be grateful if all parents and carers could complete one survey for each child, to enable us to collate responses for all children in every class.  Furthermore, if your child’s parents...
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Extreme Reading competition – thank you!

Thank you for all of your wonderful entries to our competition! You have certainly come up with some excellent ways of demonstrating reading to the extreme and we really appreciate the efforts  you have gone to. Judging is now in hand and we will be in contact in due course to reveal the winners.
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Update in line with new restrictions 5.11.20

Good morning, Further guidance was released for schools late yesterday afternoon, ahead of the new lockdown now in place.  There are a few implications for you to be aware of. Schools continue to remain open for all children as they have since the start of the autumn term, for the duration of the national restrictions....
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Sports kit – Friday

Good afternoon, As some of you may be aware, Mr Montgomery is accompanying Class 4 on their educational visit on Friday.  This will mean that children in Classes 1, 2 and 3 will not have their usual PE session this week.  However, to avoid confusion, please can children in these classes still wear their PE...
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Reading Newsletter – November/December 2020

Please find attached the latest Reading Newsletter, courtesy of Mrs Rayner. It’s definitely worth a read! Reading Newsletter Autumn 2 Also on the reading theme, a reminder that the deadline for the Extreme Reading competition is tomorrow.  We have had a few entries so far and we are looking forward to receiving more!    
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I hope that you had a restful half term break. We were very pleased to welcome the children back into school this morning.  It was lovely to see so many smiley faces – parents and children alike! Following Saturday’s announcement regarding the second national lockdown which comes into effect on Thursday 5 November, we felt...
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