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News Flash

Front Page News Post

YEAR 5 Carlton Lodge RESIDENTIAL (Wednesday 6th – FRIDAY 8TH JUNE 2018)

Here are just a few reminders in advance of Year 5’s residential next week: Children will attend school on the Wednesday morning and have lunch.  Parents are then requested to collect them from school between 12.45 – 1.00pm; so that they can then go home and change and then be dropped off at Carlton Lodge...
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Year 6 East Barnby Residential (Monday 4th – Friday 8th June 2018)

Here are just a few reminders in advance of next week: We will be leaving school on Monday 4th June at 8.20am promptly and should be back on Friday 8th June at approximately 4.00pm.  Please be at school to collect your child by 4.00pm.  Attached is a Kit List – the day time activities will...
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Scafell Pike – we did it!

I would like to say thank you to all those who generously sponsored us. £290 has now been raised – the final total will go directly to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association).  Please remember that donations can still be made at: Our challenge took us to the summit of the highest mountain in England,...
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Introducing our Salad Bar

Please see the attached letter about our salad bar: Introducing our Salad Bar
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Phonics Screening Check Support

The children in Year 1 have been busy learning their phonics to help them read and write. They will be having the statutory phonics screening test on the week beginning the 11th June 2018. Just to remind parents that phonics games are available to help your child prepare for the assessment. They are stored in...
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Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Dobson

I am pleased to inform you that Elvis Raymond Dobson was born this morning at 1.49am – weighing exactly 8 pounds!  Both mother and baby are doing really well…  
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Scafell Pike

After successfully climbing Mount Snowdon during the summer of 2016, and Ben Nevis last summer; the Buttery family are going to attempt to conquer Scafell Pike. Any money raised will be donated to CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association). Your support will be greatly appreciated when we attempt this challenge on Sunday 27th May 2018....
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Carlton Lodge Parents’ Meeting (Year 5)

We will be holding a meeting in school on Monday 21st May at 3.45pm for parents/carers to discuss the upcoming residential to Carlton Lodge (Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th June 2018). At the meeting we will be able to show you photographs from last year’s residential and give you some general information. There will also...
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Run a Mile Club – Update

It has been wonderful to see so many children participating in our twice weekly Run a Mile Club.  Even though we have only had a relatively small number of sessions, it is clear that the children’s fitness levels are improving – I even managed an extra two laps this morning! Could I please remind parents...
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SATs Information for Parents and Carers of Children in Year 2 & Year 6

Please follow the link to view recently released information by the Standards & Testing Agency: Information for parents – 2018 national curriculum tests at the end of key stages 1 and 2 A short video is also available at If you have any questions about the SATs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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