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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Re-Occurrences of Headlice in School

It has come to our attention that some parents are failing to treat their children’s hair completely after they have discovered headlice on their head.  It is imperative that as soon as headlice are discovered, hair is treated with a specific medical preparation or homeopathic shampoo (eucalyptus oil is recommended) to get rid of the...
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Administering Salves for Chapped Mouths

Unfortunately there are a number of children in school at present suffering from chapped lips/mouths due to the cold weather.  Could we please suggest that liberal amounts of salve are applied prior to children coming to school as it is our policy not to administer non-prescribed medicines or allow children to self medicate in any...
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Yorkshire Post – “Top of the Class”

As you will see below our school featured in the recent “Top of the Class” article published by the Yorkshire Post.  The article celebrates high attaining primary schools in Yorkshire – we are very proud to be one! Top of the Class
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Class Three’s Achievement Assembly

Unfortunately, it has become necessary to postpone Class Three’s Achievement Assembly until Friday 4th March.  Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
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Update on Mr. Buttery

I am pleased to inform you that Mr. Buttery’s operation went according to plan yesterday and he is now at home recuperating.  He has asked me to pass on his thanks to everyone who has sent him kind messages of goodwill concerning his health, they are much appreciated.
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Icy Conditions Outside School

Due to the cold weather this morning and the unfortunate situation whereby a road drain is overflowing down the driveway (for which Highways were informed last week), the drive has become icy and therefore unsafe.  Would parents please bring children into school through the front entrance.
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Senior Citizens Lunch

On Wednesday, 13th January, the senior citizens of Crayke will be holding their annual lunch at the Sports Hall to which some children are invited to attend – Year 6 to serve and Class 2 children to entertain.  As a result, lunch will be brought forward by 15 mins and start at  11.45 a.m. to...
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Changes to Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs in 2016

In the attached document I have listed the key changes to the way children will be assessed at the end of Year 2 & Year 6 from May 2016.  If you have any questions about the information covered, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. Changes to Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs 2016 (pdf)...
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Christmas Non-uniform Day

We would like to inform parents/carers that children can attend school tomorrow in non-uniform.  We are aware of the continued and very generous support that you all provide to the various charities that the school supports and on this occasion, we will not ask for any charitable donations to be brought into school.  However if...
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Parent Readers for Class 3

We are in great need of parent helpers to listen to readers in the afternoons, especially in Class 3.  If anyone feels that they are able to spare a couple of hours each week to listen to the children read, we would be very grateful.  A DBS check will be required but this can be...
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