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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Christmas Tree Donation

This year, we have been kindly donated a Christmas tree for the school hall from Newburgh Priory Christmas Trees – a flier about their Christmas trees and shop will be coming home with the children.  This will make a lovely change for all the children.
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Return of School Sports Kit

As we have a busy sports programme this half term, it is essential that school sports kit is returned after an event as soon as possible.  Could those members of the football team who used the school kit last Thursday please return it either this afternoon or tomorrow morning, as this is required for our...
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Transition Meeting for Class 4 parents

Just a quick reminder about the meeting this evening at 6.00 p.m. for Class 4 parents to discuss transition procedures with a member of staff from Easingwold School.
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Christmas Performance – Christmas with the Aliens

I’m sure that you are all aware that preparations for the Christmas performance are now in full swing.  The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday, 7th December when Crayke Playgroup will be coming to join us.  The afternoon performance is on Tuesday, 8th December and begins at 2.30 p.m., with the evening performance taking place...
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Class 3 Maths project – lost property!

Over the last two weeks, Class 3 have been doing a maths data handling project.  As part of this project, we investigated how many different items there were in lost property.  There were a staggering 104 items in lost property!  The most common items in lost property were P.E jogging bottoms, closely followed by school...
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Children in Need – Champions of Change

Class Four did any outstanding job successfully planning, resourcing and running a number of stalls for Children in Need this afternoon.  They certainly are Champions of Change! I would like to thank everyone for your generous support, and will provide you with the final amount of money our school has raised in next week’s Chronicle.
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Children in Need

In addition to the stalls the children will be running for Children in Need, we also have available 45 Children in Need wristbands in a variety of colours for a donation of £1 each.
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Children in Need

On Friday 13th November children will be invited to attend school in non-uniform.  A suggested donation of £1 will be made to Children in Need.  In the afternoon, pupils from Class 4 will be running a variety of stalls, which will hopefully raise even more money.  Each class will have the opportunity to visit the...
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School Council’s bid to design a new sports kit

The School Council have been putting together some bespoke designs for a new sports kit for our school. They have agreed upon three designs and wanted to receive feedback on the school website from parents, carers and pupil’s.   Please e-mail the school –  (pupils can put their comments in the ‘school council’ box in...
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Cross Country Success

Following the success of the children who took part in the cross country yesterday, could any children who took home their certificates/medals please bring these back into school so that a group photo can be taken.  Thank you.
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