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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Summer’s Arrived!

I know that we will all be enjoying this lovely weather and hopefully it means that it will be a lovely summer.  With that in mind, could Class 1 and 2 parents please ensure that their children all have sunhats and sun cream to protect them when they are playing outside.  Thank you.
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Class 2 Fun Run at Easingwold School

Could I please remind parents to send email/phone or speak to Mrs. Cotterill to give permission for your child to attend the Fun Run at Easingwold School tomorrow afternoon.  Payment for the coach to be sent in in a named envelope please.
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Class 2 Fun Run

We have been invited to take part in the Key Stage One Fun Run on Wednesday, 22nd April from 1.00 – 3.00 p.m. at Easingwold School.  There will be a large number of children taking part in four separate races for Year 1 girls/boys and Year 2 girls/boys.  There will also be multi-skills activity stations for the...
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Class 3 Achievement Assembly

The next Class 3 Achievement Assembly will be on Friday, 24th April at 9.10 a.m. Achievement assemblies for all classes have now been uploaded onto the school calendar, together with other pertinent dates for the summer term.
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Ice Cream Friday!

Ice Cream Friday will begin this Friday and continue on every Friday this term. Ice Creams will be available from the Gazebo after school and there will be a choice of ice lollies (50p) and Magnum style ice creams (£1). As this is the first week back, the stall will be run this week by CHASA committee...
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Y5 Carlton Lodge Visit

Just a quick reminder that payment for Carlton Lodge was due on Monday.  The cost is £147.50.  Thank you.
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Music Lessons

Just to let you know that all music lessons conducted by the County Music Service will re-commence this week. Woodwind lessons will now take place on Thursday and Friday afternoons with Miss Emily Berridge, so could all woodwind students bring their instruments to school on Thursday when they will be allocated a time slot for...
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Extreme Reading Challenge – reminder

We have launched an ‘Extreme Reading’ competition where children are invited to have a photograph taken of themselves reading in an unusual location. There is still ample time for the children to enter their photos as the competition won’t be judged until after the Easter holidays (Thursday 16th April).  If your child would like to...
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Amendments to Class 1 Morning Arrangements

In preparation for the children moving to KS1, as from Tuesday, 14th April, the morning arrangements for children in Class 1 will alter slightly.  As usual, the children will come in and leave their coats and bookbags, but then go out and join the other children on the playground and line up with them.  This...
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