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Front Page News Post

Lafayette Photographs

I’m pleased to inform you, that after an unexpected delay, the Lafayette photographs have arrived in school and will be brought home by your children tonight.  I can only apologise for the late delivery of the photographs but obviously this was out of our hands.
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No clubs or music lessons this week

As usual, there are no clubs on the last week of term and no music lessons either.
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School Photographs

I have again today contacted the photographers who took the school photographs to determine when we can expect delivery of the photos.  I have been informed that they have now been developed and are with their packing department and hopefully delivery will be made on Friday, or Monday next week.  I can only apologise for...
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Christmas Party Arrangements

The children will be having their school Christmas party on Wednesday, 17th December.  May I request that a reasonable amount of food is brought in to school.  Parents have always been extremely generous at Christmas time, but if large amounts of food are brought in, there is often much wastage.  Unless children have a medically...
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Last Dates for your Diary

With the end of term looming large, here are a last few dates for your diaries. Friday, 12th December                Class 4 Achievement Assembly Tuesday, 16th December            Christmas lunch Wednesday, 17th December      Christmas party Thursday, 18th December          Christmas...
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Photographs and Videos of Productions/Events

With the Nativity play being performed next week, we thought it was a good time to raise awareness of the issue of photos and videos being taken at such events.  As you will be aware, the school has an Images & Photos Policy, which all parents complete when their child starts school, which states: Photographs...
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Christmas Performance

Sorry for any confusion, but the Dress Rehearsal is on the Monday and this is for school children and playgroup only.  The performances are on the Tuesday afternoon (when we encourage as many parents, grandparents and pre-school children to attend) and the Wednesday evening.
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Once more we have headlice in school which needs to be urgently treated.  Could parents please check their children’s hair and take any remedial action promptly with the whole family, continuing to check hair on a routine basis, in order to try and eradicate headlice from school.  Thank you.
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Christmas Performance Arrangements

I’m sure that you are all aware that preparations for the Christmas performance are now in full swing.  The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday, 8th December when Crayke Playgroup will be coming to join us.  The afternoon performance is on Tuesday, 9th December and begins at 2.30 p.m., with the evening performance taking place...
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Sickness in school

Along with the coughs and colds that you would normally expect children to have at this time of year, we appear to have a particularly nasty virus, with children exhibiting symptoms of sickness, high temperatures and severe headaches.  Please be vigilant and if you suspect that your child may be going down with something, please...
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