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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Taking Care on Summer Days

I would just like to remind parents that as the weather heats up (and long may it last), children need to be protected from the sun during their time at school, as they will be outside for both playtimes, P.E. lessons and other learning opportunities.  A simple application of sun cream before coming to school...
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New Headteacher at Crayke School!

We are delighted to inform you that the Governors have appointed Mr. Andrew Buttery as the new headteacher at Crayke School.  Mr. Buttery is presently employed at Wheldrake and Thorganby Primary School and will be taking up his position as Headteacher in September, subject to the usual checks.  The staff and governors are delighted to...
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Rag Bag Collection

Rag Bag Collection for Crayke Playgroup We have had another fantastic Rag Bag collection this year.  I would like to thank everyone of you who donated textiles.  In total, approximately 175 bags of textiles, of varying shapes and sizes, were donated.  This substantial collection weighed in at exactly 800Kg and raised over £300 for our...
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I’m sorry to have to inform you that once again we have headlice in school.  Please will you check your children and taken any remedial action promptly for the whole family.  Thank you.
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Rag Bag Collection

The Rag Bag collection for Crayke Playgroup will take place next week.  Filled bag(s),can be dropped off at the Away Changing Rooms at Crayke Sports Club at any of the following times: Sunday 27th April 3pm – 5pm Monday 28th April 9am – 3.15pm Wed 30th April 10 am – 11.30am Thursday 1st May 9am...
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Welcome Back to the Summer Term!

Welcome back to the everyone at the start of the summer term and what a gloriously sunny Easter break we all had – I hope you were all able to make the most of the weather.  Just a reminder that our Easter celebration takes place this afternoon at 2.30 p.m. in the Church. With regard...
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Red Bag Collection for Crayke Playgroup

We’re having a Rag Bag fundraising collection for Crayke Playgroup! Following last year’s successful textile collections to raise funds for Crayke Playgroup, we are having another collection shortly after Easter (dates below).  Rag Bags are being distributed through school book bags but if you have not received a Rag Bag and would like one please...
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East Barnby meeting

Just a quick reminder that the meeting for Y6 parents regarding the residential visit to East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre is on Wednesday, 2nd April at 5.00 p.m. at Sutton on the Forest Primary School.
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Easter Celebration

This year, as Easter falls at the end of the holiday period, our Easter Service will take place after the holidays on Wednesday, 23rd April at 2.30 p.m. in Crayke Church.  As usual, everyone is welcome to join us in our Easter celebration. School closes on Friday, 4th April at 2.30 p.m. and children return to...
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Easter egg decorating competition

As usual, there will be an Easter egg decorating competition in school on Thursday, 3rd April to be judged by Mrs. Yates.  Children will need to bring a hard boiled egg to school, along with any materials they may wish to use to decorate their egg.  To make it fair, all decorations should be made at...
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