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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

Easingwold Library letter

Dear parents and carers, Your child will come home with a letter from Easingwold Library today. Please can you complete the slip as soon as possible and return it to school via your child’s class teacher. We are aiming to have all of the forms back by Friday 18th March. Any forms requesting your child to...
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Ukraine – Discussions with children

Dear Parents and Carers, I am sure that many of you will be closely following the events in Ukraine, and it has become evident that some of our children are aware of, and interested in, the events that are happening. Whilst we do not want to alert or worry any of the children, it may...
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World Book Day – this Thursday 3 March 2022

Good morning, A reminder that World Book Day is fast approaching.  Please see the poster below for further information.  
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After School Clubs Spring Term 1st half

Good afternoon, As outlined in last week’s newsletter the following clubs are on offer this half term: Monday – STEM Club (FULLY BOOKED) Tuesday – Multi-Sports Club (paper application form coming home and also available below): Friday – GOAL club (book via  
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Covid Updates – 4 January 2022

Good afternoon, We are looking forward to welcoming pupils back into school tomorrow.  We reviewed our Covid procedures as a staff this morning once again, to ensure that the measures we have in place keep the safety of the whole Crayke community at its heart. We face an uncertain term ahead but I am confident...
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Arrangements for PE w/c 3 Jan 2022

Good afternoon, Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful and restful Christmas break and are all set for a brand new term back at school. Some Covid reminders will follow under separate cover but in the meantime here are the arrangements for PE for the remainder of this week. Apple –...
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Change to PE arrangements this week (13.12.21)

Good morning, In an update to the information shared on Friday’s newsletter, please note that: HOLLY Class will now be having PE with Mr Montgomery tomorrow (Tuesday) instead of PE on Wednesday.  This means that they need to come to school wearing their PE kits tomorrow and bring their party outfit with them. They then...
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Pantomime Trip Friday 10 December: CONSENT REQUIRED

Dear Parents/Carers Please find a link below to a letter about the forthcoming trip to see Cinderella at the Theatre Royal on Friday 10 December.  Within the letter there is a link to a consent form that needs to be completed as soon as possible. Panto trip letter Many thanks Mrs Bacon
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Drama Club

Good afternoon, Drama Club recited and acted out ‘Twas a Night Before Christmas during their final session tonight.  We thought you might like to see a selection of photographs.  A big thanks to Becky Lennon for running the sessions and for teaching the children a range of new skills. We also loved her fancy lighting!...
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Whole School Art Collaboration

Good afternoon, We thought that you would like to see this outcome of our Heritage Week art collaboration.  It included contributions from children of all ages and we are grateful to Miss Walker, Art Subject Leader, for taking the lead on the project.  It is now proudly displayed on the wall in the hall and...
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