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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

Message for Year 6 from Mrs Chandler

Dear Year 6 children and families, I would normally be handing you a good luck card today with the following poem in; as we are not together, or even facing our SATs that we’ve worked so hard for, I still wanted to share my heartfelt thoughts and feelings with each of you. I know some...
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Learning Packs – Week 4

Good afternoon, We are super organised this week so we’re ahead of the game and getting next week’s learning packs to you today to give you chance to have a look at them in advance if you wish to. The theme next week is FOOD – a topic close to all our hearts! Enjoy! Class...
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Competition – Design a Book Token!

Mrs Helfferich sent me details of this brilliant competition – design a book token and enter the competition for a chance to win a £10 book token for you and all your classmates! Details here:
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If creative writing is your thing…

Message from Mrs Rayner, English Subject Leader: If your child would like some inspiring creative writing lessons using Pixar short films, Jane Considine is running engaging online lessons where children write about a ‘chunk’ of a Pixar short film. These are live daily lessons at 9.45am on YouTube (just search for ‘Super Sentence Stacking’) or there...
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Easingwold Area Foodbank

We have been asked to share the attached information for any families who may be experiencing financial hardship during the current situation. Foodbank Poster A4
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VE Day – 8 May 2020

A message from Mrs Chandler, our History Subject Leader: Dear pupils and families, When I think about the upcoming VE day (Friday 8th May), I am reminded of the wonderful street party (in the hall!) we held to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday a few years ago; although, sadly, we can’t all be together for...
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30 Days Wild Challenge

Message from Mrs Helfferich… Each summer, Class 1 normally take part in the “30 Days Wild” challenge with the Wildlife Trust.  They provide great activities which are easy to do and great fun. Children throughout the school would enjoy doing them. Packs are available online:
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Calling future architects!

Good morning, A big thanks to Freya’s mum for sharing this resource, enabling you to make anything from bungalows to skyscrapers to design your own city – enjoy! create_your_own_city_templates  
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Get your gardening groove on!

Mrs Helfferich has found this great link with some super ideas and the chance to win a free growing kit: I never used to like gardening…….but then it started to grow on me!
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