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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

Parentpay – have you activated your account ready for the new term?

Dear Parents/Carers I hope you and your children are all enjoying the summer holidays. As you know, we will be launching our new ParentPay system for paying for school meals and trips from the start of the autumn term.  If you haven’t already done so, please can you activate your account before next week – it only...
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Summer Reading Challenge – there’s still time…

I just wanted to remind everyone that Summer Reading Challenge is currently available to all children. The challenge takes place every year during the summer holidays. You can sign up at your local library, then read six library books of your choice, collecting stickers and other rewards along the way. This year’s Summer Reading Challenge...
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Ben Nevis – we did it!

I would like to say thank you to all those who generously sponsored us.  Over £700 has now been raised – the final total will be split between CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association) & St. Monica’s Hospice in Easingwold. Our challenge took us into the heart of the breath taking Western Highlands in order...
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Ben Nevis – Fundraising Walk Update

Thank you to all those of you who have donated.  We will be attempting the climb at some point between Saturday 5th – Friday 11th August. Currently we are just 10% away from our target of £600 – If you would like to make a donation please follow this link: I’m hoping to add a...
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Treasure Island

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Key Stage Two productions of Treasure Island.  Lots of people have commented on the children’s exceptional voices, acting ability and dancing – I am sure you will agree that they did an amazing job!  Special thanks also to all the children and staff who worked extremely...
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Summer Reading Challenge 2017

I just wanted to remind everyone that Summer Reading Challenge is currently available to all children. The challenge takes place every year during the summer holidays. You can sign up at your local library, then read six library books of your choice, collecting stickers and other rewards along the way. This year’s Summer Reading Challenge...
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ParentPay – have you activated your account?

As you know, we will be launching our new ParentPay system for paying for school meals and trips at the start of the Autumn term.  By now you should have received a post advising you of the details and also a letter sent home with your child advising you how to activate your account. Pasted...
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Ben Nevis – Fundraising Walk

After successfully climbing Mount Snowdon last summer, the Buttery family are going to attempt to conquer Ben Nevis. Any money raised will be split between CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association) & St. Monica’s Hospice in Easingwold. Your support will be greatly appreciated when we attempt this challenge in August 2017. If you would like...
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Hambleton District Tag Rugby Finals – we won again!

Congratulations to the boys and girls from Class 4 who successfully won the Hambleton District Tag Rugby Finals for the second successive year. This is another massive achievement for our school and to say I am proud is an understatement! I was hugely impressed by the superb teamwork and commitment on show, which resulted in...
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Summer Fair – thank you for your support

A huge thank you to all of those who contributed to making the summer fair such a huge success (either before, during or after the event). I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to all members of CHASA for organising the event.  Thanks also go to each member of staff who generously gave...
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