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News Feature

The latest 4 posts in this Cat will be displayed in the top slider on the front page of the website.

World Book Day at Crayke School

As you can see from the photograph below, the children and staff really enjoyed getting into the spirit of World Book Day.  I would like to thank the parents and carers for helping to assemble the costumes.
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Maths Wizards of Crayke School

Throughout this week children from all our classes have been enjoying a week of mathematical problem solving.  Activities have included swimming with rainbow fish; following a mathematical number trail; Escher themed tessellations and solving a maths mystery.
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Class 3 go back in time to the Stone Age!

On Thursday, 4th December, Class 3 went to the Yorkshire Museum to find out about history from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.  We got to handle valuable artefacts and we went round different workshops: weaving, making coins, building tepees, making clay pots, cave painting and ritual dance.  It was great fun.  Jack...
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Class 2’s Amazing Railway Experience!

Class 2 had a wonderful time at the National Railway Museum, exploring different types of train, enjoying the thrills of the simulator ride and learning more fascinating facts for their transport topic.
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Cross Country Success!

A massive well done to all the children who represented the school so successfully at this week’s Cross Country Competition held at Easingwold School.  We all want to wish the successful finalists every good luck for next week’s final at Knayton.
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World Book Day

The children have had a wonderful time today, dressing up as characters from their favourite picture books, writing letters to characters in their books, designing new front covers, making “Wanted” posters, etc.  In the afternoon, the older children took the opportunity to share their picture books with the younger children, reading their stories together and...
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Crayke kids are road safety champs!

Two Crayke Primary School pupils have been presented with awards by North Yorkshire Police for designing winning posters in a road safety competition. Two Y6 pupils, Jack Walker and Archie Wright, were presented with certificates and bike lights by Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick, who made a surprise appearance at their morning assembly on 18...
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Vicious Viking Visitor!

A Viking invasion took place at Crayke Primary School last week! Class 3 had the experience of a lifetime when Thorhild the Viking visited the classroom to turn the children into Viking warriors – they were even given Viking names. By the end of the day the school hall had become a battlefield!
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Bumper Crop at Harvest

  Reception children picked a bumper crop of apples from the trees planted by Mrs. Smith’s husband three years ago.  These trees include some old, rare Yorkshire varieties thereby ensuring their survival in our local area for future generations.  Mrs. Yates, the cook, used them to make apple crumble for pudding.  Yum, yum!
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New Outdoor Classroom complete

    We are thrilled to have our Outdoor Classroom completed and ready for us to start planting. The Gardening Club have already used the facility on two weekends and soon the Rainbows will also be making the most of it. As a school each bed will be assigned to a class and it will...
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