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Ben Nevis – we did it!

I would like to say thank you to all those who generously sponsored us.  Over £700 has now been raised – the final total will be split between CHASA (Crayke Home and School Association) & St. Monica’s Hospice in Easingwold. Our challenge took us into the heart of the breath taking Western Highlands in order...
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Ben Nevis – Fundraising Walk Update

Thank you to all those of you who have donated.  We will be attempting the climb at some point between Saturday 5th – Friday 11th August. Currently we are just 10% away from our target of £600 – If you would like to make a donation please follow this link: I’m hoping to add a...
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DB Primary not available until September

Just to inform you that DB Primary is no longer accessible until September, as the site needs preparing for the new classes and new school year. In the mean time, we can recommend these websites: (Quick-fire maths) (Age-appropriate curriculum word list activities) We will inform you once DB Primary is back up and...
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School Sports Kit – Years 5/6

We are still missing three items of our school sports kit (shirts 2, 3  & 12 and three pairs of shorts).  Could these please be returned to school by the end of the day.
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Treasure Island

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Key Stage Two productions of Treasure Island.  Lots of people have commented on the children’s exceptional voices, acting ability and dancing – I am sure you will agree that they did an amazing job!  Special thanks also to all the children and staff who worked extremely...
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End of Summer Term Arrangements

School finishes for the end of the summer term on Friday 21st July.  Our Leavers’ Service will start at 1:10pm and will be an opportunity for everyone to wish our Year 6 children well.  I am more than happy for any Y6s wishing to leave from school on the day to do this.  As usual...
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School Photographs Ready to Collect

If you have ordered a school photograph from Tempest Photography, these are now in the office ready to collect.
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Mobile Phone Found

A mobile phone has been handed into school – it was found on the road outside.  If you have lost your phone, please contact Mrs Bacon in the office.
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Summer Production of Treasure Island

The older children are working really hard towards their production of “Treasure Island” and I know you will enjoy their endeavours. The dress rehearsal takes place on Monday 17th July.  The first performance is on Tuesday 18th July at 2.00pm, with the evening performance starting at 6.00pm on Wednesday 19th July. Costumes Most of the...
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Lunch Menu Autumn Term 2017

Please find attached a copy of the lunch menu for the start of the autumn term Autumn term 17 menu
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