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SATs Information for Parents and Carers of Children in Year 2

In the summer term of 2016, children in Year 2 will be the first to take the new SATs papers. These tests in English and maths will reflect the new national curriculum, and are intended to be more rigorous. There will also be a completely new marking scheme to replace the existing national curriculum levels....
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Summer Sun Safety

I would just like to remind parents that as the weather heats up (and long may it last), children need to be protected from the sun during their time at school, as they will be outside for both playtimes, P.E. lessons and other learning opportunities. A simple application of sun cream before coming to school...
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Sports Day and Picnic Lunch

As we are aware that some of you are keen to make sure that you are available for Sports Day, just to let you know that at this stage we are looking at Tuesday 28th June. Everyone is welcome to join us for sports day and the picnic lunch.   School will provide pupils with a...
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Vacancy at Crayke Playgroup

Job Advert Crayke Playgroup March 2016
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Tag Rugby

Tag Rugby Club will take place after school today (29/04/16). The session will finish at 16:15 – I’d suggest wearing something warm and waterproof…
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Early Administration Update (Year 2 parents)

As I am sure you will be aware the Schools Minster (Nick Gibb) has issued the following statement: “To remove any uncertainty and clarify the situation for schools, I have decided that we will remove the requirement on them to administer the Key Stage 1 grammar, punctuation and spelling test for this year only.” He...
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Early Administration STA Update (Year 2 parents)

I have recently spoken to the STA about the confusion regarding the grammar, spelling and punctuation test our Year 2 children completed on Tuesday 19th April 2016. Please see below the official statement form the STA: “This is clearly a serious error and we have launched an immediate investigation to understand how it happened. The...
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Leaving Assembly for Mrs Cotterill

We will be holding a special Leaving Assembly for Mrs Cotterill next Thursday 28th April at 9.05am in the School Hall. The assembly will last for about 1/2 an hour and parents/carers are very welcome to join us.  
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Ice Cream Friday Begins!

Ice Cream Friday will begin tomorrow and continue on every Friday this term. Ice Creams will be available from the Gazebo after school and there will be a choice of ice lollies (50p) and Magnum style ice creams (£1). As this is the first week back, the stall will be run this week by CHASA committee members. There...
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Home School Values – Responsibility

Our special value this half term is responsibility. It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge. You can explore this value at home using this resource: responsibility It was wonderful to hear from the Children the new responsibilities they have taken on at home…
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