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Scheduled Absence from School of Mr. Buttery

Dear Parents/Carers, I am writing to inform you that on Wednesday 20th January I am scheduled to undergo knee surgery. I have arranged for Mrs. Chandler to teach Class 4 on my normal teaching days (Monday & Tuesday) and the rest of the staff will, of course, maintain the smooth running of the school.  Should...
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Senior Citizens Lunch

On Wednesday, 13th January, the senior citizens of Crayke will be holding their annual lunch at the Sports Hall to which some children are invited to attend – Year 6 to serve and Class 2 children to entertain.  As a result, lunch will be brought forward by 15 mins and start at  11.45 a.m. to...
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Changes to Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs in 2016

In the attached document I have listed the key changes to the way children will be assessed at the end of Year 2 & Year 6 from May 2016.  If you have any questions about the information covered, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. Changes to Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs 2016 (pdf)...
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Home School Values – Service

Our special value this half term is Service.  It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge.  You can explore this value at home using this resource: Service
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Christmas Non-uniform Day

We would like to inform parents/carers that children can attend school tomorrow in non-uniform.  We are aware of the continued and very generous support that you all provide to the various charities that the school supports and on this occasion, we will not ask for any charitable donations to be brought into school.  However if...
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Head lice in School

Unfortunately there are several cases of head lice in school.  Please could all parents check their children and if necessary, take remedial action with the whole family. Remember once a week, take a peek. Click here to open the NHS website with information regarding how to treat head lice.
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Christmas Party – Wednesday, 16th December

The children will be having their school Christmas party on Wednesday, 16th December.  May I request that a reasonable amount of food is brought in to school.  Parents have always been extremely generous at Christmas time, but if large amounts of food are brought in, there is much wastage.  Unless children have a medically diagnosed...
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Diary Dates for December

Just a reminder of some of the events happening in the near future. Tuesday, 8th December           Christmas afternoon performance starting at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9th December      Christmas evening performance starting at 6.00 p.m. Tuesday, 15th December         Riding Lights Production of “Nearly the Goat” at the Sports Hall at 10.00 a.m. Christmas...
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Children in Need – Champions of Change

Class Four did any outstanding job successfully planning, resourcing and running a number of stalls for Children in Need this afternoon.  They certainly are Champions of Change! I would like to thank everyone for your generous support, and will provide you with the final amount of money our school has raised in next week’s Chronicle.
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Children in Need

On Friday 13th November children will be invited to attend school in non-uniform.  A suggested donation of £1 will be made to Children in Need.  In the afternoon, pupils from Class 4 will be running a variety of stalls, which will hopefully raise even more money.  Each class will have the opportunity to visit the...
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