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School Council’s bid to design a new sports kit

The School Council have been putting together some bespoke designs for a new sports kit for our school. They have agreed upon three designs and wanted to receive feedback on the school website from parents, carers and pupil’s.   Please e-mail the school –  (pupils can put their comments in the ‘school council’ box in...
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Home School Values – Generosity

Our special value this half term is Generosity.  It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge.  You can explore this value at home using this resource: Generosity
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Cross Country Reminder (for children taking part in the Cluster competition at Easingwold Secondary School tomorrow)

Dear parents, I have reminded the children of the arrangements for tomorrow’s Cross Country at school today.  Here is an overview: Parents will take their children directly to Easingwold Secondary School for 9:15am. I will meet the children in front of the netball pitches. Please make sure your child has a snack/drink and sufficiently warm...
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Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2015

During Collective Worship this morning, we informed the children that poppies for the annual Poppy Appeal were now available in school for a small donation.  As with last year, alongside the poppies, the Royal British Legion have provided school with various items such as wristbands, hairclips, pencils, rubbers, etc., that can also be purchased for a...
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Spare Clothing for Classes 1 and 2

If you have borrowed any items of clothing (e.g. tights, jogging bottoms, underwear) please could you wash and return them to Class 1. If anyone has any outgrown tights, shorts, jogging bottoms, we would very gratefully take them off your hands for use in school.
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School Fund 2014/15

School Fund Statement Sep 2015 School Fund Statement Sep 2015
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World Food Week

Your children might have commented on the meals that they have been enjoying this week.  It is all part of World Food Week and Mrs. Yates has been serving up different meals from around the world, including Chicken Tikka Pinwheel and Sweet and Sour chicken.  This is all part of an initiative by the World...
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Traffic Light System for Behaviour

I am writing to inform you about the traffic light behaviour system that we use in Class 2.  This system uses a visual colour code because of the age of the children in Class 2 and is the same as the behaviour systems in Classes 3 and 4, where verbal warnings are given instead of the...
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New Curriculum Spellings

Dear Parents and Carers, As you are already aware, the government have introduced a new curriculum for all schools to follow.  The new curriculum has encompassed many of the previous curriculum’s objectives, as well as increasing the expectations for children in each year group especially in terms of maths, reading and writing.  As all year...
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Once again, I am afraid we have to report that there are cases of headlice in school.  Would parents all please check their children’s hair carefully and take any remedial action necessary with the whole family to try to eradicate cases in school.  Thank you for your assistance in this.
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