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Class 1 Parents’ Evening

Parents’ Evening for Class 1 children will be on Wednesday, 18th March starting at 3.50 p.m.   The time sheets will be available for parents to place their name against the most convenient time period.
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Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ Evenings this term are on Tuesday, 10th, Wednesday, 11th and Thursday, 12th March depending on which class your child is in starting at 3.50 p.m.   The time sheets will be available from tomorrow morning for parents to place their name against the most convenient time period.
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Staffing News

Dear parents/carers, I am writing to inform you that Miss Henn was successful in a recent interview she attended.  As a result, Miss Henn will continue as class teacher at Crayke School for the remainder of this half term before she takes up her new post. Mrs Rachel Pearson will be teaching Class 2 for the first...
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Fairtrade Fortnight in Crayke Primary School

Fairtrade Fortnight this year started on Monday, 23rd February.  To mark the occasion in Crayke Primary School, there will be two competitions for all the children to enter. Quick Challenge – KS1 – colour the pictures on the Fairtrade poster carefully and label each Fairtrade product (this will be given out as a paper copy as...
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World Book Day / Extreme Reading Challenge

As you will undoubtedly know, World Book Day is taking place on Thursday 5th March.  However, just to be a little different, Crayke School’s World Book Day will take place on Friday 6th March due to sporting commitments – swimming and Futsal. We have decided that the theme this year will be favourite book characters. ...
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Children Playing in Staff Car Parking area

Once again I would like to request that parents do not allow their children to play on the grass around the staff car parking area, the poly-tunnel and shed for their own safety.  This area is not a designated play area and, as such, there are health and safety concerns if children are allowed to...
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Internet Safety Talk

As previously mentioned, we will be holding an information evening for parents/carers concerning internet safety on Thursday, 26th February at 6.00 p.m. in the school hall.  As part of the evening, a range of internet based topics will be covered linked to the theme of keeping children safe online.  We look forward to seeing as...
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Maths Week in Crayke School

Throughout this week children from all our classes have been enjoying a week of mathematical problem solving.  Activities have included swimming with rainbow fish; following a mathematical number trail; Escher themed tessellations and solving a maths mystery. Look out for the display in the Key Stage Two corridor which will feature examples of work from...
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Christingle Service Friday, 30th January

The Christingle Service at Crayke Church on Friday, 30th January will now be for children in Classes 1, 2 and 3 only.  As Class 4 succeeded in qualifying for the Sports Hall Athletics final to be held at the same time, they will have their Christingle Service in school on Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Hassall.
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Sickness “48 Hour rule!”

From time to time children are sick (vomit) either at home or at school. Unfortunately it is not possible to distinguish between the causes, and therefore it is essential that the same rule of exclusion applies in all cases of vomiting or diarrhoea. In the Health Protection Agency document, “Guidelines for the Control of Infection...
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