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Ukraine – Discussions with children

Dear Parents and Carers, I am sure that many of you will be closely following the events in Ukraine, and it has become evident that some of our children are aware of, and interested in, the events that are happening. Whilst we do not want to alert or worry any of the children, it may...
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World Book Day – this Thursday 3 March 2022

Good morning, A reminder that World Book Day is fast approaching.  Please see the poster below for further information.  
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Dinner Money Spring Term 2 – 6 weeks

Dinner money for the second half of this term (6 weeks from 28 February to 8 April) is now due for children in Holly and Oak Class. The total amount for the 6 weeks for children in Oak Class is £81.00 and for the children in Holly Class is £64.80.  Holly Class will be going...
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Covid Update 27.2.2022

Good afternoon, I hope that you have all had a lovely half term and have been able to enjoy some sunshine over the past couple of days after the rather more interesting weather of earlier in the week! As you may be aware, on Thursday 24 February, the government removed remaining domestic restrictions in England. ...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 18 February 2022

Crayke Chronicle 18.02.22 WORD Crayke Chronicle 18.02.22 PDF
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Update – Mrs Jackson 15.2.2022

Good morning, I just wanted to let you know that I am (finally!) starting to feel better and will be returning to school for some sessions this week.  I wanted to say a huge thank you for all your kind messages, best wishes and thoughtful gestures whilst I have been off. It really means a...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 11 February

Crayke Chronicle 11.02.22 PDF Crayke Chronicle 11.02.22 WORD
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Reminder: Dinner Money due for the second half of this half-term

Dear Parents/Carers If you haven’t already done so, please can you make your dinner money payment for the period 31 January to 18 February 2022. Many thanks Mrs Bacon
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Update Mrs Jackson 8 February 2022

Dear Parents/Carers Unfortunately Mrs Jackson has been signed off work for another week, so the earliest she will be back in school will be next Tuesday 15 February (as long as she is well enough).  Thank you for all your best wishes and enquiries about Mrs Jackson’s health. Should you have any questions about your...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 4 February 2022

Crayke Chronicle 04.02.22 PDF Crayke Chronicle 04.02.22 WORD
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