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Achievement Assemblies Summer Term 2018

Here are the dates for this terms Achievement Assemblies. Friday 11th May – Class 3 Friday 18th May  – Class 1 Friday 15th June  – Class 2 Friday 22nd June – Class 4
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Class 4 Forest School Sessions Summer Term

Please note that Class 4 still have 2 further ‘Forest Schools’ sessions lead by Mrs Chandler and Mrs Helfferich on Tuesdays on 17th April and 24th April.  Please can you ensure that your child/ren have warm clothes, full waterproofs and suitable footwear (wellies or walking boots) on these days. Many thanks.  
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Dinner Money Summer Term – First Half

Dinner money for this half term is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4.  The total amount due is £58.80, which is for 6 weeks, less 1 day for the training day today and 1 day for the May Day Bank Holiday. All dinner money should be paid through ParentPay and the...
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Summer Term Menu 2018

Please find attached the menu for the Summer Term. Primary_schools_single_menu_summer_2018  
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SIAMS Inspection Report

If you would like to read a copy of the recent SIAMS report, this can be found in a presentation file in the school reception area.
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SIAMS Inspection – Graded “OUTSTANDING”

Following our SIAMS inspection on the 9th March 2018, I am delighted to announce that Crayke Church of England Primary School has been judged outstanding in all areas. The findings in each area of the inspection are as follows: The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners...
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Year 6 Residential Visit to East Barnby

Just a reminder that our Year 6 children will, as usual, be joining pupils from other cluster schools to visit East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre week commencing 4th June 2018 . The cost for the 5 days/4 nights accommodation including all activities, instruction and meals is £319. This should be paid via ParentPay by 4th...
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Year 5 Residential Visit to Carlton Lodge DATE CHANGE

Dear Parents of Year 5 Children We sent out a post in December advising that the date for the Year 5 residential visit to Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre was 4th – 6th June.  Unfortunately, it came to light yesterday, that Carlton Lodge had made an error with our booking and we are in fact booked in from 6th – 8th...
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Sports Relief

Well done to all children for completing the Sports Relief mile on Monday.  If you haven’t already done so, there is still time for you to send in the suggested donation of £1 Many thanks for your support.
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Class 2 Literacy Work: Message in a Bottle

As part of their literacy work in Class 2, the children will be composing messages to pop in bottles.  With this in mind, please could all the children bring in a clear plastic bottle for Wednesday, 28th March. Many thanks Mrs Dobson
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