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Calling all Grandparents – a lunch invite you can’t refuse!

Dear Grandparents We would like to cordially invite you to come and ‘luncheon’ with your grandchildren. You may have very fond ( or not so fond) memories of your own school dinners but I can assure you that you will not want to pass up this opportunity! For a small contribution of £2.10 you can...
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Property……& Lost Property!

As I am sure the children may have told you, on Friday we had a mammoth clear out and clear up of the KS2 cloakroom. As part of the process, we unearthed lost PE kit, lost trainers, lots of unnamed clothing and some other items which in part has prompted this post….. All PE kit – including trainers...
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Class 3 homework – 17th May

Sorry, this is a few days late…… Homework this week is geared around spellings. Group A have spellings based on the a / a-e/ ai phoneme and they are expected to complete their sentences too Group B have spellings based on words ending in f and ff with plural addition – words ending in f...
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Interesting article to ‘read’

Click on the link here to access an interesting article following the survey conducted by the National Literacy trust.
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Class 3 – May 10th 2013

WOW – what a difference a week makes! This week, without exception, we had 100% improvement and participation in the homework tasks. The children were delighted today as they reaped the rewards of their efforts with team points after team points. Huge thanks to all parents for your support with this. This week…something a little...
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New Outdoor Classroom complete

    We are thrilled to have our Outdoor Classroom completed and ready for us to start planting. The Gardening Club have already used the facility on two weekends and soon the Rainbows will also be making the most of it. As a school each bed will be assigned to a class and it will...
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Carlton Lodge letter – whoops!

Apologies for a bit of cut and paste that went wrong with the Year 5 Carlton Lodge letter!  The dates are correct – 17th – 19th June – which are, of course Monday to Wednesday.  Children will need picking up at lunchtime on Monday and taken to the centre and collected from Carlton Lodge on...
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Unfortunately we have just received a phone call to tell us that the multi sports instructor has broken down therefore the children will need collecting at 3.30pm. Many apologies for the inconvenience.
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Class 3 Homework – 3rd May 2013

Mmmm….a bit of sad news to start. We discovered only 41% of our class today had completed their homework as requested. As a class we have had a discussion about why we have homework and who it helps……. This week: Group A have spellings with the pattern ay, ai, a-e and ey. Please choose 4...
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