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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Remote Learning update 12.01.21

Good afternoon everybody, We hope you are well and enjoying Day 2 of our recorded lessons learning experience.  Here are a few hints which we hope you find helpful: Please remember to access your child’s class page via the school website only.  This remains the case every single time they log in.  If you try...
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Stay Safe message from NYCC

These are unprecedented times and we recognise that going into a third national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic will be very difficult for many of you. We are sending you this email to help you to understand what this means for us all in North Yorkshire, and to make sure you know what support...
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Remote Learning Update 08.01.2021

Dear Parents, We hope you are enjoying the online learning and getting to grips with google sites. Just a couple of pointers to ensure children are accessing the correct tasks on the correct days. Please ensure children start their day by looking at the timetable on the ‘Home’ tab. Following this, they can then access...
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School CLOSED to all today

Good morning, Just when we thought this week couldn’t get any more surreal, we can now factor snow into the equation.  Wonderful. Initially it was falling as rain, but quickly turned to snow and we needed to make a speedy and decisive choice especially given the low numbers of children in school and potential risk...
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Government announcement – cancellation of 2021 national curriculum assessments

Good afternoon, We have just received the following announcement from the government and wanted to share it with you as soon as possible: The Prime Minister announced earlier this week that primary schools should move to remote provision, except for vulnerable children and the children of critical workers. We recognise that due to the further disruption caused...
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Remote Learning update 7.1.21

Please find attached the updated remote learning parent guide following yesterday’s presentations.  This replaces the previous version following feedback received and us trying to iron out teething problems. UPDATED Parents and carers guide to remote learning 7 January 2021 Thanks for your patience and support.    
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Remote Learning Update 06.01.2021

Good evening, An enormous thank you to everyone who participated in the live Zoom presentation either this morning or this afternoon, led by Mrs Rayner.  I am sure that you will all agree with me when I say that she did an amazing job of clearly talking through how to access the Google site and...
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Critical Worker Survey

Good morning all, Thanks to all the parents who have completed the online survey as this really helps us with our forward planning (as much as we are able to forward plan anything in the current climate!) If you have not yet completed the survey, please can I ask you to do so as soon...
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Important Update for Parents and Carers 05.01.21 – Action Required

Good afternoon, Thank you for your patience and support as we all digest the news and the implications of last night’s government announcement.  We know that in households across the area this morning, there will have been the full range of emotions and we appreciate the difficulties, frustration and upset families must be facing on...
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School CLOSED tomorrow

Good evening all, Following the news announcement just now, it is with a very heavy heart that we must inform you that school will be closed to the majority of pupils with immediate effect. As we understand it, children of keyworkers are eligible to attend school as they were during the previous lockdown.  However would ask...
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