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Home Learning w/c 15th June 2020

Good afternoon, Please find attached the home learning packs for next week. Week 3 Class 1 Week 3 Class 2 Week 3 Class 3 Week 3 Class 4
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Have you ever wondered?

Some creatures have a bad wrap and it’s time to investigate a little closer to help us get a balanced view. Let’s start with wasps. They have to be bad, right? Well, we don’t like getting stung, that’s for sure. But, why have they survived and do we actually need them in our world? It’s...
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Road Safety

Today a special walking event had been planned across the UK by Brakes that aimed to raise awareness of road safety. Unfortunately, the walk had to be cancelled but that doesn’t mean that  road safety in cancelled! We all know it is very important to stay safe around roads and village lanes but it’s always...
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Crayke Love!

We were absolutely thrilled to receive this amazing gift from Ethan Hutton and his mum this morning. At my old school, the prayer included the words “As many hands that build a house, so many hearts make a school.”  Those words couldn’t be more meaningful in the current climate; the adults who are all so...
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Wider opening of school – update 9.6.20

Good afternoon, Please find attached a letter regarding the opening of school for pupils in Years 2 – 5. Letter to parents in Years 2 – 5 regarding wider opening With best wishes Judi Jackson  
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Collective Worship ideas

Good morning everybody, Here at Crayke CE Primary school we normally meet together as a whole school often for our assembly times. These give us opportunities to have fun learning new stories from the Bible, learn new songs and to sing our favourites and sometimes we enjoy listening to guests too. We miss Reverend Liz...
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Greek Quiz

Mani and his dad have created this absolutely brilliant Greek quiz and we are thrilled to share it with you!  I wonder if you’ll know more about the Greeks than I did… I learnt a lot! Enjoy!
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Looking after our World

We are all keen on doing our bit for our environment and know it is very important to look after our amazing world. There are lots of ways we can do this. Here are a few ways you can get stuck in. The Great Exhibition – Big Ideas (KS2-Class 3 & 4 pupils) You have the...
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Year 6 Leavers’ Book

Dear Year 6 families, Please see your email inbox for a message from me regarding our Year 6 Leavers’ Book for 2020! Many Thanks, Lauren Chandler
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Picture News w/c 8th June 2020

Story: As some children return to school, we think about how our routines have changed during this time. Question: How important is it to have a routine? Learning from Home Ideas – 8th June Picture News Prompt 1 – 8th June Picture News Prompt 2 – 8th June Routines Timetables
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