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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Robinwood: Zip Zip Hooray!

So far at Robinwood, everyone has had a go at everything and we are so proud of all of them for pushing themselves out of their comfort zones! They all absolutely loved the zip wire and are now taking part in races and challenges to hit a target below with a bean bag!  
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Saturday morning update from Robinwood

Good morning! All of the children have been absolute super stars and are now tucking into their Robinwood breakfast! Next up this morning is zip line, canoeing and raft building.
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Day 1: Evening Update from Robinwood

Message from the Crayke staff team: “Every single one of the children have had a brilliant time in the piranha pool activity and demonstrated amazing communication skills to help escape just in time. Now they are tucking in to a hearty evening meal before taking on the trapeze, doing a final challenge of the day...
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Safe arrival at Robinwood!

Good afternoon, The group has arrived, had lunch and they are all set for their afternoon of activities. In spite of the weather, they are all in great spirits. Next up nightline… watch out for the squirrels!
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If you’re shopping this weekend…

..why not turn your online shopping into everyday magic for our school?
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Year 1 Phonics Drop In Sessions – Information for Parents

Year 1 Phonics Drop In Sessions   Parents of children in Year 1 are invited to sign up to visit a phonics session over the next few weeks. This will allow you to see our Little Wandle phonics programme in action and will help you to support your child at home with phonics and reading....
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Open Afternoon 19 September 2023 – Gallery of Photos and PowerPoint Slides

Good morning, We were delighted to welcome parents and carers into school yesterday for our Open Afternoon.  66% of our families were represented, which is a brilliant turnout and we are grateful for your support.  We’re aware that some families were unable to attend and have requested a copy of the information shared within the...
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Open Afternoon – Tuesday 19 September

Good afternoon, We would like to offer all parents and carers the opportunity to visit school during our Open Afternoon next week. The session will begin at 1:45pm with a welcome from me about our school vision, ethos and priorities for the forthcoming academic year. From 2pm until 3:20pm the classrooms will be open for...
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Robinwood Residential Information

Good afternoon, We look forward to seeing parents/carers of Oak class children for a meeting about the Robinwood residential at 9:05am on Monday morning. In case you are unable to make it, the PowerPoint pack is attached for your perusal here: Presentation for Parents Paper copies of the personal information form will be provided for...
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Curriculum Trees Autumn Term 2023

Please see attached Curriculum Trees for this term’s learning in each subject area for each class this term. Apple Class Curriculum Tree Autumn Term 1 2023 Beech Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023 Holly Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023 Oak Class Curriculum Tree Year B Autumn Term 2023
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