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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Yorkshire Three Peaks – Fundraising Walk Update

Thank you to all those of you who have donated; currently £400 has been raised.  This will be split between CHASA (Crayke Home And School Association) and purchasing a defibrillator for Crayke Sports Club & Village Hall. If you would like to make a donation please follow this link: Your support will be greatly...
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Crayke’s Spectacular Spelling Bee

I would like to congratulate children from Years 1 – 6, who have all been working hard to learn words for our first ever Spelling Bee.  It was wonderful to hear children practising their spellings this morning – even at Run a Mile! After a busy morning of spelling activities in each of our classes,...
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Mandir Visits

Children across all year groups visited the Mandir in Bradford on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th March. The visit enriched their previous learning about Hinduism. It also supported them to learn from different religions beliefs, values and traditions while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning. Their guides were really impressed with the children’s...
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Bootham Junior School – Class 3 parents/carers only

Bootham Junior School are running a selection of workshops for Year 3 and 4 pupils on Monday 13th May. These are optional and parents are expected to take and stay with their child. AMES PROGRAMMING – create a car racer game. MASTERCHEFS – Prepare, cook and eat your own savoury dish. SLIMY SCIENCE – Experiment...
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Dear parents and carers, I wanted to inform you that there has been a confirmed case of chickenpox in Class 1; therefore I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the procedure for when to keep your child at home and when it is appropriate to send them back to school, should they...
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First Aid Training

Children in Key Stage Two received basic first aid training on Thursday afternoon (21/03/19). The aforementioned allowed the children to know how to offer potentially life-saving support. I would like to thank Mrs. Ellerker, who voluntarily delivered the training.
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Young Voices

Following a considerable drop in the number of Crayke children taking part in Young Voices, over the previous two years, we have made the decision that our involvement will be limited to every other academic year.  This will ensure that children who would like to take part will be able to do so as either...
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Easingwold Friends of Chernobyl’s Children – Can you help?

Please see the attached document, which will provide you with information about an event taking place on Wednesday 15th May, at 7pm Galtres Centre, Easingwold. Easingwold Friends of Chernobyl’s Children public meeting article Can you help? Our charity’s purpose is to help deprived children from an area of Belarus still badly affected by the 1986 Chernobyl...
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Entering/exiting the school during Parents’ Evening

Dear Parents/Carers, could you please enter and exit the school via the hall doors, as the front entrance will be locked.  The meetings will all be held in your child’s classroom. Where possible children should not attend the meetings, but may wait in the hall, where they can quietly read a book. Fire Safety Procedures...
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Years 2 – 6: Times Table Rockstars

Please see the attached letter from from Mrs Dobson. Times Table Rockstars Letter
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