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News Flash

Front Page News Post

Cluster Cross Country

A massive well done to all the children who represented the school so successfully at Wednesday’s Cross Country Competition. All the children put a huge amount of effort into their races and were a real credit to our school. Children who finished in the first six will compete in the regional finals at Knayton Park...
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Ancient Britain Day in Class Three

On Monday 14th January, children in Class 3 dressed up as people from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. They were visited by Dave from Murton Park and went on an imaginary journey over 500,000 years ago to Stone Age Britain. The morning was packed full of opportunities to handle real artefacts, such as a...
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Car Parking

Following on from previous notifications/posts; I have received several requests from parents to remind everyone of the procedure for parking in the lay-bye.  Considerable congestion is caused when parents park their cars in the drop off lane and at the entrance to the lay-by.  The aforementioned, is increasingly problematic as it is restricting the flow...
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Young Voices 2019

On Tuesday 8th January, children from Class 4 travelled to the Motorpoint Arena in Sheffield to take part in the 2019 Young Voices concert, along with 1000s of other school children, to form one huge choir. A massive well done to all the children that took part; your behaviour and singing was amazing! All of...
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Welcome Back to the Spring Term…

I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. Please remember that tomorrow (07/01/2019) is a staff training day; children will return to school on Tuesday 8th January. Advance Notification/Reminders Young Voices – Tuesday 8th January Senior Citizens Lunch – Wednesday 9th January (Class 4 to assist and entertain) Ancient Britain Day in Class 3 –...
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Minster FM Toy Appeal 2018

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents, carers and staff who donated over 60 toys to the appeal. The toys were collected by Minster FM Breakfast Show presenter Ben Fry and the Minster MONSTER! Mr. Buttery, who organised the appeal at school, said “it is great to see that...
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Minster FM Toy Appeal 2018

This Christmas Crayke Church of England Primary School have once again decided to support the Minster FM Toy Appeal. ‘While most of us look forward to Christmas there are some children for whom it is just another day. Every year there are families who through no fault of their own dread the thought of the...
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What Price Peace? Barnabas RE Day

Children throughout school learned more about the key events of World War I (including the Battle of the Somme) and the powerful beliefs associated with it. Following whole school Collective Worship on Tuesday morning, pupils worked in class groups. To make the content accessible the workshop leader used storytelling, mime, drama and other activities to:...
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Whole School Armistice Art Project

To mark 100 years since the Armistice agreement, each child in our school has created a poppy using a plastic bottle. I am sure you will agree that finished display looks really effective. The unused sections of the bottles will be recycled…
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Crayke in the top 3% of all primary schools in the country – again!

We were thrilled to receive the letter below from Nick Gibb, Minister of State for School Standards, on our outstanding 2018 Phonics Screening results. What makes the aforementioned even more impressive is that this is the third successive year our pupils have achieved a 100%.  
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